Outbound Mobility
Internationalization is one of the major focuses of TSU’s Strategic Development. We’re committed to continuously advance the quality of education and services we deliver and sustain competitiveness nationally and internationally. And we see outbound mobility as one of the key tools to achieving this goal as it equips our students and staff with intercultural competence, transferable skills and broadens their horizons. Outbound mobility turns our students into global citizens furnished with cutting-edge field-specific knowledge and advanced skills of resolving the challenges of the future, able to successfully compete on the international job market and collaborate globally.
As the value of the outbound mobility experience increases rapidly, so does our commitment to offering a diverse study abroad opportunities. Today our students can enjoy a wide range of program-, country- and language-specific outbound mobility programs majority of which provide full or partial funding during the study abroad period.
All institutional outbound mobility programs at TSU are administered by the Department of Foreign Relations.