The Elaboration and Development of Educational Programs
The development of educational programs at the university is carried out according to the planning, elaboration, assessment and development procedure of the educational program (see the working files HERE). This procedure establishes the mechanism for creating and developing educational programs, thus contributing to internal quality assurance of the university programs, a consistent approach and providing information about the creation and development of programs to the academic staff. The aim of this procedure is to implement educational programs at the university that are in line with the mission of the university and based on the following principles:
- Takes into account the development needs of science/industry, the state and/or society, as well as the requirements of the local labour market and international market trends;
- Takes into account modern achievements in the field concerned;
- Integrates teaching and research;
- Student-centered teaching that considers the individual needs of students and their inclusion;
- Internationalization of curriculum, teaching and learning practices and research.
The procedure for planning, elaboration, assessment and development of an educational program lays out the guidelines to plan and develop an educational program as well as to evaluate it and make changes if necessary. In addition, this procedure explicates the forms of the program and syllabus; the functions and responsibilities of the program leader(s)/co-leader /coordinator; the composition of the educational program committee; the curriculum map; the program's compliance map with its aims and outcomes; samples of the program's learning outcomes evaluation report; the budget; joint higher education program development recommendations; semester questionnaires; the educational program report form and the rules portfolio management for the higher education program.