Terms of Use
Article 1. Registration with the library and reading halls.
1.1. The use of the library is eligible for:
- Students of all three degrees (a form of service: reading hall, season ticket);
- University personnel (a form of service: reading hall, season ticket);
- University guest (a form of service: reading hall).
1.2. For the registration the reader should present the following documents:
- In the reading hall: student’s card or ID;
- For Season tickets: student – student’s card and photo, university personnel – ID, photo and letter from the workplace.
1.3. Season ticket holder is obliged to inform the library in case of change of contact number, e-mail address, home or work address.
Article 2. The following terms apply for lending and returning the documents of the library:
2.1. The documents of the library cannot be taken from the libraries of the faculty and from the reading halls.
2.2. The books can be borrowed from the division of season tickets of the university’s library:
- fiction – for no more than 2 months;
- all the rest for no more than 5 months.
2.3. Simultaneously you can borrow no more than 5 books. In special cases, according to the university’s interest and consent from the director, it is possible to borrow more than 5 books, which is marked in the readers’ card.
2.4. The documents that can’t be borrowed:
Book, which is the only copy at the library;
Periodicals (journals, newspapers);
Documents being published before 1921;
Audio, video, film, photo, phono-documents;
Article 3. Damage and/or non-return of the library document
3.1. It’s not allowed to damage the library document
3.2. In case of damage and/or non-return of the library document the measures envisaged by the legislation of Georgia shall apply.
3.3. After the deadline for the use of the library documents, in case if the document is not returned within 30 working days the reader should return the publication with the same title and year of publication, or the same title with different publication year or pay the value of the book and the fixed penalty - 50 GEL.
Article 4. Using printers, copy machine, scanners, and computer
3.1. The reader should approach the library staff for using a printer, copy machine, scanner, computer, or audio-visual equipment.
4.2. The library defines the use of library copy machines, printer, and scanner in accordance with the legislation.
4.3. If the reader doesn’t know how to use the printer, copy machine, scanner, computer and other audio-visual equipment the librarian is obliged to help.
4.4. When using the computer it is allowed to:
Write and edit texts;
Search materials and download them via the internet;
Work on literature through electronic versions;
Use CDs with librarian’s consent;
Use e-mail;
Use university web-site;
Work on training programs.
4.5. The reader can use the electronic video, audio and written materials of the foundation (it is allowed to take a copy of these materials by taking into consideration the copyright legislation).
Article 5. Rules of behavior in the reading hall
5.1. It is prohibited to act in such a way, which will interfere with the reader’s work in the reading hall.
5.2. It is prohibited for the reader to take out the library document from the reading hall without permission, it can be taken as an illegal activity and in this case, Georgian legislation may apply.