Instructions for Using the Personal Electronic Profile at the TSU Library
1. The User’s personal electronic profile for the TSU Library (hereinafter “Profile”) is one of the Library Services.
2. The Server opens automatically to create a user account when a borrower wants to check out materials from the TSU Library Lending Department.
3. The User Profile requires information about the terms and return dates of the borrowed materials.
A reader can enter their Profile through the following link:, by clicking on “My Account” ( see Pic.1).
Picture 1. Entry into the user’s personal electronic profile
Picture 2. Login and password fields
The login and password are similar when entering the profile for the first time – your personal/identification number (see pic.2)
The profile parameters can be changed from “Account Parameters” (see pic.3).
Picture 3. Changing account parameters
Apply to the TSU library’s Lending Department for resetting a password and login information.
See the name and return dates of borrowed literature in “Delivered Publications” (see pic.4).
Picture 4. Materials borrowed
Address and Schedule of the Library Lending Service: University Street, 11; telephone +(995 32) 225-0484; email:; working hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 – 17:00; Saturday – 10:00 – 16:00
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