One of the tasks of the Quality Assurance Service is to promote international cooperation and the integration of the university into the common European educational space. As part of its mandate, the Quality Assurance Service actively cooperates with various European universities as well as international organizations whose activities are related to higher education and science. The Quality Assurance Service considers international cooperation and sharing of experience as one of the effective ways of quality development.
Employees of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University – head of the department of TSU Quality Assurance Department Tinatin Davitashvili and Assistant Professor Lia Dzebsauri from the Faculty of Economics and Business successfully completed the EFMD Global Quality Assurance Academy training, which was held online from September 12 to December 15, 2022, and were awarded the certificates (see, respectively, here and here).
The Quality Assurance Academy (QAA) was a 14-week online comprehensive training offered by EFMD Global for quality assurance professionals in higher education which cuts across all major quality assurance frameworks to develop and refine the participants’ understanding of the underlying methodologies and their purpose.
The QAA programme develops the participants’ skills in the areas of leadership, operating quality management systems, communication, data management, and project management. It prepares participants to assume senior quality management posts in higher education institutions.
Participants attended six live sessions allocated evenly across three block weeks. Each block week was preceded by preparatory tasks and followed by an assessment activity, both embedded in an intense mentoring scheme. The final assessment was a capstone project report that was double-graded (as writing and oral defense) and defended in front of the facilitators, mentors, and peers.
Founded in 1972, EFMD is a global, non-profit, membership-driven organisation dedicated to management development. It is recognised globally as an accreditation body for business schools, business school programs, and corporate universities. With a network of 30,000 management professionals from academia, business, public service, and consultancies, EFMD plays a central role in shaping the global approach to management education and provides a unique forum for information, research, networking, and debate on innovation and best practices.
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with the financial support of Erasmus + is implementing a "Bologna Hub Peer Support" project. The main objective of the project is to foster the implementation of the Bologna key commitments at higher education institutions (HEIs) throughout the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Based on the individual needs of higher education institutions, the Bologna experts will provide tailor-made counseling during on-site visits at those institutions that apply for a Bologna expert peer support mission.
HEIs should have completed an application to participate in the project. 86 Higher Education Institutions from all over the EHEA applied for participation – around 30 institutions from Spain, France, Germany, Sweden, Poland, Austria, Albania, Georgia, the Ukraine, Estonia and Kazakhstan have eventually been selected. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) is among the selected universities.
Based on the application prepared by TSU quality assurance service and further consultations, two main directions for collaboration have been identified. Namely, student-centered learning and internationalization. TSU will be supported by the University of Salzburg emeritus professor, EHEA expert from Austria, Ms. Gabriele Abermann. The detailed information about Prof. Abermann can be found on the following link.
The project encompasses two counseling visits. The first counselling visit took place on June 23 and 25, 2021 via zoom platform. Prof. Abermann led workshops on student-centered learning and internationalization for TSU faculty and administration. The second counseling visit was held on June 27, 2022. This visit built upon the workshops conducted during the first counseling visit. Prof. Abermann conducted two face-to-face workshops on the same topics, however, this time the workshops were built around TSU needs. Workshop participants discussed what student-centered learning means for TSU and how it is implemented as well as what internationalization direction is appropriate for TSU and how to create an internationalization strategy and action plan.
On April 4-7, 2022, representatives of Tbilisi State University visited Brno, Czech Republic to participate in the workshops of a project funded by the VISEGRAD+ Grant Fund (Sharing the competence and experience of V4 for knowledge and technology transfer) aimed at transferring knowledge and technology. During the visit, participants visited the Masaryk University Technology Transfer Center, South Moravian Innovation Center, and had meetings with Quality Assurance Officers.
The main goal of the project, based on the successful experience of Visegrad partner countries, is to introduce research and development (R&D) practices in medium and small businesses in Georgia and Armenia, to promote the connection of academic / research and business infrastructure, and to develop a concept of cooperation between them.
Tbilisi State University is implementing the European Commission-funded project "Strengthening the Quality and Relevance of Third Mission in Georgian Universities - SQUARE", the goals and activities of which are interesting for the above-mentioned project. Irma Grdzelidze, as the SQUARE project coordinator, shared information about the project results with the participants.
The theme of the annual European Quality Assurance Forum in 2021 was "Building trust and enhancement: from information to evidence". The senior specialist of Tbilisi State University Quality Assurance Service, Tinatin Gabrichidze presented a discussion starter on the experience of TSU in quantitative data analysis, Key Performance Indicators and the implementation of software tools in the process on November 19.
The Forum was attended by more than 300 participants from European Universities, Quality Assurance Agencies, European Students Association, higher education and quality assurance researchers and practitioners.
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University Quality Assurance Service (represented by the head of the service) participated in the work of the focus group of the European University Association, which was held in a round table format and was related to the development of students' entrepreneurial skills. Leaders of European universities participated in the focus group and exchanged their experiences and strategies in the implementation of the University Innovation Mission. The meeting was held on June 18, 2020. Participants were selected based on their applications. The topic of the focus group is especially relevant in the field of higher education today, as entrepreneurship and innovation are a prerequisite for the development of countries and regions.
Based on the initiative of the Quality Assurance Service and its application, Tbilisi State University participates in the work of the Thematic Group of the European University Association (EUA) "Meeting the Skills and Employability Demands". The group is led by Cork University (Ireland). In total, nine European universities are participating in the group together with TSU.
Representatives of European universities will exchange experiences over the course of a year and develop recommendations that will help higher education institutions improve the quality of their curricula, teaching and learning. The main focus of the thematic group is on defining the skills necessary for the successful employment of students and graduates in educational programs, integrating them into the curriculum, and actively collaborating with universities and industries.
The first meeting, due to developments around the world, was held on March 23, 2020, in a distant format. The first members of the group discussed the main challenges and opportunities related to the employment of students and graduates, the involvement of employees in the curriculum planning process, and more.
Representatives of more than 120 European universities attended and discussed the results of their doctoral studies surveys at European universities and future plans at the workshop, hosted by Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in late January 2020. For the first time in the history of the European University Association (EUA), a meeting of the Association's representatives was held in a non-EU country.
The Rector of Tbilisi State University, Giorgi Sharvashidze, and the Deputy Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sports Ekaterine Dgebuadze attended the meeting. Dr. Sharvashidze opened by stating, "Rectors and Vice-rectors of leading European universities, and the Heads of doctoral programs are participating in this three-day event to discuss the main topic, academic activities - how to continue scientific activities, how to develop their careers, and what kind of support they should have in the international arena, of which Georgia is a full member. This cooperation will continue. I hope it will be acceptable for many universities in Georgia to create an institution at the doctoral level.” The meeting discussed European trends in doctoral education, future challenges and ways to establish partnerships. "This event is very important for universities as well as for the education system as a whole. For the first time, a Georgian university is hosting representatives of European universities. Representatives from European universities will exchange those modern methodologies and programs that are implemented at their universities,” said Deputy Minister, Ekaterine Gdebuadze.
Martin Wright, Vice President of the European University Association and Chairman of the Association's Doctoral Studies Council, said: "This workshop is very important for the next generation. It focuses on both doctoral students and the development of this level of higher education in general, thus it is important not only for the academic community, but also for the labour market. Luigi Panza, the representative of the Scientific Research Service of the University of East Piedmont, Italy, said that ‘the purpose of today's meeting is not just doctoral students; we are also talking about the heads of doctoral programs, their role in doctoral education programs and their development. I hope that our meetings will be fruitful for both Georgian and European students.” At the meeting special attention was paid to the importance of protecting academic integrity, a subject on which the speaker Edwin Constable spoke in the presentation "Doctoral Education, Research Ethics and Integrity". During the discussion, TSU participants spoke about the activities carried out by the University over the last two years and the changes made within the framework of the Erasmus Institutional Development Program project “Academic Integrity in Georgian Higher Education Institutions for Quality Teaching and Learning” (INTEGRITY).
The EUA-CDE Annual Meeting is the largest and most comprehensive European conference on doctoral studies, focusing on current trends and practical collaboration within the processes. This was another opportunity to share a new partnership and European experience. For more information on doctoral education at Tbilisi State University and this workshop, see on the website.
On January 22, 2020, participants from the European Universities Association (EUA) briefed the Rectors and Heads of Quality Departments of 20 Georgian universities on the results of their doctoral studies surveys at European universities and their future plans. At the round table discussion held at TSU they spoke about the challenges and prospects of European doctoral education.
According to TSU Rector Giorgi Sharvashidze, the meeting on the topic of doctoral education would contribute to the development of doctoral studies in Georgia. "The recommendations developed at the meeting will be further discussed in the European Union, where the conclusions of the Association of European Universities will be taken seriously. It is good that Georgian universities have been so actively involved in today's discussion and it is important to establish partnerships with European universities,” he said. "Many European universities competed to host this workshop and we are grateful that Tbilisi State University can host it this time.”
“This workshop focuses on doctoral studies, which is a very important issue for future research and the development of young people in general,” said Martine Rahier, Vice President of the European Universities Association and Chairman of the Association's Doctoral Studies Board. At the event, Irma Grdzelidze, Head of TSU Quality Assurance Service, presented a report on quality assurance and prospects doe doctoral programs at TSU. The EUA-CDE Annual Meeting is the largest and most comprehensive European conference on doctoral studies, focusing on current trends and practical collaboration related to the expected processes. It was another opportunity to share a new partnership and European experience.
On May 26-31, 2019 an exhibition of the International Association of Educators (NAFSA) was held in Washington, DC, USA, attended by about 4000 participants from more than 100 countries and the world's leading universities. Individual participants from five Georgian institutions of higher learning included the Head of Tbilisi State University’s Quality Assurance Service, Irma Grdzelidze. The TSU delegation met with representatives of Italy, Spain, France, the Czech Republic, China, the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States, Canada, Australia, Chile and Japan to discuss cooperation in various fields.
One of the most important components of future cooperation was to work on quality assurance issues, for which the Vice-Rector for the Quality of the University of Edinburgh expressed special interest. During a meeting with the representatives of Mary Immaculate College in Limerick, Ireland, discussions included the external evaluation of programs, organization of summer schools, conducting joint research in psychology and the promotion of academic/administrative staff exchange were discussed. This exhibition provided an introduction to the latest challenges in higher education and helped establish institutional contacts between higher education institutions around the world.
The 14th European Quality Assurance Forum, EQAF, was held on November 21-23, 2019 at the Technical University of Berlin. During the forum, quality assurance systems were discussed that included learning-teaching, research, management and administration, and public services. In order to support TSU's internal quality assurance processes, decision-making by the management bodies, sharing international experience in the field of quality assurance the TSU delegation discussed these issues with representatives from organizations such as ENQA, ESU, EUA and EURASHE.
The European Quality Assurance Forum is held annually and is a platform for professionals to share experiences freely and develop professionally. Rectors, Vice-Rectors in charge of quality assurance systems, quality assurance specialists of higher education institutions, students, quality assurance agencies and researchers in the relevant field are particularly interested in this forum. For more information, visit the link.
In 2019, LEPL Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University participated in the Learning and Teaching Thematic Peer Group of the European University Association (EUA) - Student Assessment. Three working meetings were held within the framework of the thematic group: At the University of Lausanne (Switzerland); At the Spanish National Distance Learning University (Madrid, Spain); At the University of Minho (Portugal). Tbilisi State University participated in the group together with 9 European universities. The thematic group was led by a representative of the University of Birmingham, UK.
As part of the thematic peer group's work, the university, together with European partners, developed guidelines for establishing an inclusive, student-centered assessment system based on the best experiences and a self-assessment document that will help universities evaluate how the assessing system existing in their universities correspond to the best European practice. The Quality Assurance Service presented to the group the approaches established at the university on student assessments and also took an active part in preparing a summary report on the work of the thematic group. The presentation of the report was held at the Forum of the Association of European Universities. See the report as well as the full composition of the thematic group at the link.
On November 15-17, 2018, the 13th European Quality Assurance Forum EQAF was held in Vienna, Austria, hosted by the Vienna University of Economics and Business and the Austrian Quality Assurance and Accreditation Agency. The head of TSU’s Quality Assurance Service attended the forum, which included a variety of activities related to learning-teaching, research, management and administration, and public services. During the EQAF 2018 forum’s plenary and parallel sessions, participants presented current quality assurance issues.
The European Quality Assurance Forum is held annually. It is a platform for professionals to share experiences, participate in discussions and develop professionally. Rectors, Vice-Rectors in charge of quality assurance systems, quality assurance specialists from higher education institutions, students, quality assurance agencies and researchers in the field are particularly interested in this forum. For more information, visit the link.