With the active cooperation of the Department of Public Relations and Quality Assurance, within the framework of the project INTEGRITY, awareness raising coherent and consistent PR campaign was designed and launched for students, administrative and academic staff in 2018-2020.
As part of the PR campaign:
- Notebooks and pens were made with inscription ‘‘No plagiarism’’.
- Posters, rollup and flyers were created. The promotional materials were placed in all study buildings of the university and in the central library building, places where exams sessions usually take place. Flyers were provided to the Faculty Administration, Student Services Centres and University Libraries Reading Rooms.
- The information was continuously provided to the relevant target groups through the university's communication channels: websites, e-mail, Facebook and YouTube.
The short-term project “Campaign Against Plagiarism” was planned and developed by the TSU Student Self-Government with the support of Quality Assurance Office and Public Relationship Department in October-December, 2019. The aim of the project was to raise students' awareness of academic integrity. The project included following activities: Holding a student action and anti-plagiarism information campaign in seven study buildings of TSU; Distributing flyers, information materials and gift-branded attributes (T-shirts, bags, pens, pins); Conducting a student quiz on the topic of plagiarism; Preparing an animated video on academic integrity (see news).
With the support of the Quality Assurance Service and the Public Relations Department, TSU Student Self-Government planned and carried out the student project "Campaign Against Plagiarism" in October-December 2019. As part of the campaign, an animated video was prepared with the participation of students, which explains both plagiarism and ways how to avoid it, as well as it highlights examples of citations and periphrasis. The aim of the video is to raise awareness among students on academic integrity and disseminate positive messages. The video was prepared within the framework of the Erasmus Institutional Development Program project - "Academic Integrity for Quality Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Institutions in Georgia (INTEGRITY)”.