The first phase of the project "Trainings for Program Representatives" has successfully ended. Project is the winner of Tbilisi State University's students’ projects funding program and is held by Elene Beberashvili, a student of the educational sciences master’s program. The project is created in collaboration with SPARQS (students’ partnerships in quality Scotland) and is supported by the TSU Department of Quality Assurance. The project's aim is to raise student participation in quality assurance processes such as creating development and monitoring study programs. More than 50 students were chosen, and they attended online training held by SPARQS. During the trainings, students received detailed information about the role of student representative, ways and importance of student involvement in QA, ways of data collection for evaluation, also discussed future plans of developing the course representative practice at TSU. The training (November 2021) was interactive and full of exercises, that gave students the opportunity for full involvement. For the next session students with staff would be involved in workshops where they create and monitor the programs and will have the chance to use their knowledge in practice.