Catalog of the TSU Library Fund
eBooksTSU is a repository of electronic documents, containing the most requested publications and documents of the TSU Library Foundation. Books, dissertations, images, periodicals, audio materials are arranged alphabetically. Copyrighted documents can only be accessed after authorization. Registration for eBooks is only possible for TSU email address holders. Access to the rest of the documents is free from any Internet space.
DSpace repository of TSU intellectual papers, DSpace TSU Intellectual Papers Repository DSpace, a DSpace resource (repository), is a repository of TSU Intellectual Papers that provides academic portfolio / profile creation. It is possible to preserve digital documents of different types and topics published or published. In the repository, the author, with the help of a faculty librarian, places electronic data on the publication and the full text (required) in digital format. An author may be University Ph.D. if any of his papers is ISBN and / or published in ISSN Journal, University Academic Staff, Doctorate Administration. The author can also publish unpublished papers, conference materials, and some other informative digital documents. The document printed in UNICODE fonts will be uploaded in pdf format (not a photo image) in any language. The author submits the bibliographic data together with the uploaded document (ask faculty librarians for questions). The repository provides online open access to the documents, and thus the rights and responsibilities of authors (and co-authors).
Only the authors of the work (one in the case of a collective) can upload the document. The scientific value, legality, and authenticity of the uploaded document are not verified by the library staff. Documents in the repository are indexed by the Google Scholar search engine.
Only an electronic version uploaded to TSU Reporter will not be considered as an officially published publication! Contact us for questions at the University Central Library and Faculties Reading Room.
Contact Teimuraz Kancheli, + (995 32) 225-0484 9532
ePrints Documentation at TSU's ePrints Repository has been discontinued and DSpace functions. Documents stored in the ePrints system are current and will be permanently accessible.