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ინვესტიციების დაცვის სამართლებრივი რეჟიმები

სილაბუსი ძირითადი ლიტერატურა დამხმარე ლიტერატურა

ინვესტიციების დაცვის სამართლებრივი რეჟიმები
სასწავლო კურსის ავტორი/ავტორები: გიორგი ცერცვაძე, სამართლის დოქტორი, ასოცირებული პროფესორი


1. ცერცვაძე გიორგი შესავალი საერთაშორისო საინვესტიციო სამართალში. 2013, გვ. 26-282.თსუ-ს ბიბლიოთეკის ბარკოდი 900001572824 

1. Alvarez, Guillermo Aguilar, Mont, Santiago  Investments Fair and Equitable Treatment and the Principle of ‘’Respect for the Integrity of the law of the Host State’’: Toward a Jurisprudence of ‘’Modesty’’ in Investment Treaty Arbitration;  in: Arsanjani, Mahnoush, H; Katz Kogen, Jakob; Sloane, Robert,D; Wiessner, Siegfried;(Editors) Looking To The Future, Essays on International Law in Honor of W.Michael Resmann, ‘’Martinnus Nijhof Publishers,’’ Leiden, Boston, 2011.

2.. Brown, Chsester; Introduction: The Development and Importance of the Bilateral Investment Treaty, in: Brown, Chsester; (Editor); Commentaries on Selected Model Investment Treaties, ‘’Oxford University Press’’, Oxford, 2013.

3. Bungenberg, Marc; The Division Of Competeneces Between the EU and Its  Member States in the Area of Investment Politics; in:  Bungenberg, Marc; Griebel, Jörn; Hindelang, Steffen; (Editors) International Investment Law and EU Law; Special Issue: European Yearbook of International Economic Law, ’’Springer,’’ Heidelberg, 2011.

4. Burgstaller, Markus; The Future of Bilateral Investment Treaties of EU Members, in: Bungenberg, Marc; Griebel, Jörn; Hindelang, Steffen; (Editors) International Investment Law and EU Law; Special Issue: European Yearbook of International Economic Law, ’’Springer,’’ Heidelberg, 2011.

5. Caplan, Lee, M. Sharpe, Jeremy, K. United States in: Brown, Chsester; (Editor); Commentaries on Selected Model Investment Treaties, ‘’Oxford University Press’’, Oxford, 2013.

6. Lavranos, Nikolaos; Designing and International Investor-to State Arbitration System After Opinion 1/09, in: Bungenberg, Marc; Hermann, Christoph; (Editors) Common Commercial Policy after Lisabon; Special Issue: European Yearbook of International Economic Law, ’’Springer,’’ Heidelberg, 2013.

7. Nowak, Carsten; Legal Arrangements for the Promotion and Protection of Foreign Investments Within the Framework of the EU Association Policy and European Neighbourhood Policy, in: Bungenberg, Marc; Griebel, Jörn; Hindelang, Steffen; (Editors) International Investment Law and EU Law; Special Issue: European Yearbook of International Economic Law, ’’Springer,’’ Heidelberg, 2011.