The Eastern European Partnerships (Ostpartnerschaften) funding program
The funding program Eastern European Partnerships (Ostpartnerschaften) by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) supports since 1974 German universities in strengthening their partnerships with universities in Central Eastern, South-eastern, and Eastern Europe as well as the Caucasus, and Central Asia.
It contributes to the expansion of international relations through education and research and to the promotion of intercultural dialog.
Currently, about 80 German universities cooperate with about 290 international universities within the program.
Aims are
- to strengthen existing partnerships and to help initiate new partnerships with universities of the target region,
- to intensify cooperation in teaching and research,
- to exchange scientists, graduates, and students,
- to foster sustainable and structural improvements in teaching and research conditions in the partner countries,
- to internationalize German and foreign universities.
Funding Measures
- Exchange of German and foreign university lecturers, scientists, students, and graduates.
- The DAAD offers travel grants to German participants.
- The DAAD supports foreign participants in terms of subsistence expenses.
Funded Projects:
Georgia - Codicology and Preventive Conservation of Manuscripts
Geoecological screening at springs and headwaters in the Adjara region/West Georgia