Mevlana Exchange Programme
Mevlana Exchange Programme is a student and staff exchange instrument administered by the Turkish Government. Launched in 2011, the Programme aims at the exchange of students and academic staff between the Turkish higher education institutions and higher education institutions of other countries.
Students registered in formal education programs at higher education institutions that have Mevlana Exchange Protocol signed with a partner HEI in Turkey, as well as the academic staff of these institutions may benefit from Mevlana Exchange Programme.
Students may benefit from Mevlana exchange period abroad for one (minimum) or two (maximum) semesters. The total exchange period cannot exceed one academic year. Academic staff may lecture abroad from one week (minimum) to three months (maximum).
Students do not pay any tuition fees to the host institution during the Programme, but they continue to pay the obligatory tuition fees to their home institutions. They do not pay any extra fee to the host institution within the scope of the Programme.
As the course(s) to be taken in the host institution are officially agreed to be counted in advance within the Learning Protocol, the students are expected to transfer the credits collected during the study abroad period to their home study programs once they successfully complete their semester abroad and return to their home institutions.
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University has signed Mevlana Exchange Protocols with a number of HEIs in Turkey. You can browse through our Mevlana partnership list here.
Notice: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, on the basis of the decision by the Higher Education Council of Turkey, Mevlana Exchange Program and related mobilities are suspended until further notice.