Bilateral Student Exchange
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University has signed number of cooperation agreements and memoranda of understanding with the universities all over the world. Some of the major aims of such international institutionalized partnerships include the development of research projects, educational and academic exchanges, and cultural activities.
A student exchange program developed on the basis of a bilateral agreement between TSU and its partner institution works on the principle of reciprocity. When possible, the contracting institutions will attempt to provide financial assistance to exchange students. But when the agreement does not include any financial aid for exchange students, participants will be responsible for the expenses associated with the study abroad (these typically include travel expenses, living costs, health insurance and daily expenses). So, before applying for a student exchange program within a bilateral agreement, prospective applicants are expected to contact the International Office of their home University in order to clarify the terms of the corresponding bilateral agreement.
At each level of study, a student may benefit from an exchange period abroad for one or two semesters. The total exchange period within an exchange program cannot exceed one academic year (at one study level). Exchange students do not pay any tuition fee at the host University; however, they should pay the obligatory tuition fees at their home institution. An applicant in the student exchange program within bilateral agreement should apply to the scheme at his/her home university. It is mandatory for a student to be selected as a beneficiary of a student exchange program by his/her home University through a transparent and documented selection process.
The student selected to take part in the student exchange program will have to:
- be nominated officially by his/her home University;
- end to the Department of Foreign Relations/International Office of the host institution information about his/her academic background together with the Learning Agreement that must be approved before the student’s departure and the Application Form in accordance with the deadline established by the host University;
- meet the language requirements specified by the host University;
- commit himself/herself to obtaining a valid passport and all related documents required for traveling and living abroad for educational purposes;
- abide by rules and regulations of the host University;
- fill in an evaluation report about the study experience abroad;
- hand in the Transcript of Records to the home University for the recognition of the study abroad results upon return to his/her home country.
All student exchange programs involving Tbilisi State University or any of its academic or administrative divisions are administered centrally by the Department of Foreign Relations at TSU.
Questions related to student exchange programs within bilateral agreements, should be addressed to or