Institute of Social Psychology
The Institute of Social Psychology employs 6 professors:
- Anastasia Kitiashvili
- Ekaterine Pirtskhalava
- Medea Despotashvili
- George Kipiani
- Elene Kvanchilashvili
- Nazi Pharsadanishvili
There are implemented Two master's and one doctoral program
- Master's Degree: “Applied Social Psychology” (since 2009); Head of the program: Nana Sumbadze and Anastasia Kitiashvili
- Master's Program in “Legal Psychology” (2017) Head of the program: Vakhtang Nadareishvili
- Ph.D. Program “Applied Social Psychology” (since 2015); Head of the program: Anastasia Kitiashvili and Nana Sumbadze
Areas of research
- Social and ethnic identities
- The relationship between attitudes and social behavior
- Majority group attitudes towards minority
- Interpersonal relationships
- Gender aspects of relationships
- Social and psychological aspects of education and employment
- Social and psychological characteristics of vulnerable groups
- Cross-cultural relations
- Migration
- Environmental Psychology
- Political Psychology
- Social Psychology of Health
- Psychology of Set
- Legal Psychology
- Psychology of Art
Projects implemented at the institute:
- Preparation of courses and training materials in career counselling 2017- OSGF.
- Methodological Material: Bryman's Social Research Methods - Georgian Translation, University Financing, 2015
- Translation of .Jeffrey Z. Rubin, Dean G. Pruit, Sung Hee Kim, Social Conflict: Escalation, Stalemate, and Settlement New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. With funding. 2015
- Study of socio-psychological characteristics of young and unemployed youth beyond education in Georgia, University funding. 2016
- Methodological Material: b. Taylor, L. Pepplow, d. Sears; "Social Psychology" (12th Edition). (Georgian translation). University Financing, 2015-2016
- Preparation of a reader for the New Course “Stereotypes, Stigma and Discrimination”, 2018
- Collection-lighting and color in architectural design. (Author - Editor T. Jorjadze). Color and lighting in an urban setting. Pp. 407-4017. Cezanne Ltd. 2017
- Preparation of the material for the course "Management Psychology" - Ichac Kalderon Adizes. Management / Mismanagement Styles: How to identify a style and what to do about it. Translation. 2019
- Study on acculturation and cultural assimilation of ethnic and religious minorities living in Georgia.