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Regulation of the Faculty of Law of LEPL Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University


Chapter I
General Provisions
Article 1. Concept and Status of the Faculty

1. The Faculty of Law (hereinafter – Faculty) of LEPL Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (hereinafter – TSU) isone of the key educational and administrative units of TSU which carries out scientific research and educational programmes within the scope of academic freedom and institutional autonomy in order to ensure the academic training of the students in one or several specialities and grant them the relevant qualification.
2. The faculty is obliged to provide student with relevant conditions for learning and independent research as well as with the opportunities to get future-oriented education aligned with modern standards and constantly focus on improvement of learning environment. Upon successful completion of academic programme the relevant academic degree and diploma shall be 
granted to graduate.
3. An official name of the Faculty is the Faculty of Law of LEPL Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
4. A legal status of the Faculty is defined by the Georgian legislation, the Statute of the University and this Regulation. The Faculty is not a legal entity.
5. The Faculty has its own letterhead for the official correspondence. The letterhead shall be applied upon assignment or with the consent of a Dean of the Faculty pursuant to the rules established by the Georgian legislation.
6. The Faculty has a stamp and a seal which shall be applied under the rule established by the legislation. They shall also beused by the special division under the TSU official website.
7. The address of the Faculty is: 3 Il. Chavchavadze Ave. Tbilisi 0179. Georgia
8. A day of the Faculty shall be defined by the Faculty Council.


Article 2. Regulation of the Faculty
The present Regulation sets out the competences and the structure of the Faculty as well as a rule of performance and rights and duties of its structural units.


Chapter II

Structure and Governance of the Faculty 

Article 3. Governing bodies and Structure of the Faculty 

1. The Governance of the Faculty is composed of the Faculty Council, the Dean and the Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty.
2. The structure of the Faculty is defined by the Regulation of the Faculty and incorporates the Administration (the Dean, the Deputy Dean, the Head of the Quality Assurance Service) of the Faculty as well as its auxiliary structural units, educational-scientific structural units and the Faculty scientific-research units.
3. The Council of Dissertations and the Faculty Commission for the Credit Recognition shall be formed in compliance with the established rule.
4. There is a Student Self-governance at the Faculty.
5. The Faculty Council shall decide onformation of a new structural unit or revocation of theexisting onesat the Faculty.


Chapter III
Faculty Council
Article 4. Composition of the Faculty Council

The Faculty Council is the highest representative body of the Faculty and is composed of 36 members including the Dean, 9 representatives of the Student Self-governance, 27 staff members from the Faculty programmes among them: 4 members from the Legal History Programme, 4 - from the Constitutional Law Programme, 4 - from the Administrative Law Programme, 4 - from the Private Law programme, 3 - from the Legal methods programme, 4 – from the Criminal Law Programme and 4 members from the International Law Programme.


Article 5. Rule of Formation of the Faculty Council
1. An individual legal act on elections of the Faculty Council members made by the Rector shall be published in order to make it publicly available.
2. Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Assistant of relevant Academic Programme can be a candidate formembership of the Faculty Council.
3. Representatives of academic personnel shall be elected as the members of the Faculty Council at the Professors Meeting of the relevant Academic Programme through open voting. The Chair and the Secretaryshall beelected at the Professors’ Meeting. The results of voting shall be reported in the Minutes of the Meeting. The candidates are nominated at the Meeting. Each member of the Programme is able to present his/her own candidacy as well as other candidates. Each candidate shall be voted on individual basis. The candidate with more votes shall becomea member of the Faculty Council. In the case of equal results, voting takes place again. Under the special circumstances, a Professor of an Academic Programme has a right to participate in voting via internet.
4. Membership period of the academic personnel is defined according to the duration of an academic position. Upon expiry of the term of the academic position or in case of leaving the position prior to expiration, the membership of the Faculty Council shall beautomatically terminated. Vacant position at the Faculty Council shall be filled through re-elections in compliance with the procedures defined by this Article.
5. The representatives of the Students Self-governance shall comprise no less than one fourth of the total number of the members of the Council. The number shall be rounded off in favour of the representatives of students’ self-governance. Upon suspension/termination of student’s status, the representative of the students’ self-governance is automatically deprived of
the right of the membership of the Council. 
6. The Dean of the Faculty shall chair the Faculty Council. In his absence Acting Dean shall undertake the duties of the Chair of the Council.


Article 6. Rights of the Faculty Council
The Faculty Council shall:
a) elect the Dean of the Faculty under the Rule established by the TSU Statute;
b) define the expenditure budget of the Faculty and report on it to the Head of the Administration.
c) reviewand submit to the Academic Council of the University the Faculty Development Strategy, educational and scientific-research programmes for approval, upon recommendation of the Dean;
d) review and submit to the Representative Council the Regulation of the Faculty for approval which shall cover the structure of the Faculty, upon recommendation of the Dean, as well as elaborate the Regulation of the Dissertation Council and submit it to the Academic Council for approval;
e) elect the Head of the Faculty Quality Assurance Service;
f) apply to the Rector of the University to provide academic staff with a sabbatical leave upon the reasonable proposal.
g) present the coefficients for the Unified National Examinations and the Unified Post-graduate Examinationsto the University Academic Council for approval as well the number of the students to be admitted to the Faculty.
h) nominate the candidates for the award of honorary doctorate, the title of “professor emeritus” and other awards to the University Academic Council for approval.
i) consider early termination of the authority of the Dean upon the request of at least one third of the members of the Faculty Council on the grounds ofviolation by the Deanof the Georgian legislation, or failure to fulfiland/or improper fulfilment of the duties on him/her. This decision shall be made on the basis of a secret ballot, by a majority of members on the list. The Dean
may not participate in the ballotdetermined under this paragraph.
j) exercise other powers prescribed by this Regulation, the Statute of the University and the legislation of Georgia.


Article 7. Procedural Issues of the Functionality of the Faculty Council

1. The Faculty Council shall acknowledge its authority at the first meeting and shall elect the Secretary of the Meeting upon recommendation of the Dean. The Secretary of the Council shall be in charge of handling paperwork of the Faculty Council. In his/her absence, one of the members of the Council elected from the academic personnel by the majority on the list shall
undertake the duties of the Secretary of the Council.
2. The Faculty Council shall approve the agenda through open ballot immediately upon commencement of the meeting.
1. Meeting of the Faculty Council shall be convened by the Chair of the Faculty council upon his/her own initiative or by the request of not less than one third of the members of the Council.
2. The Faculty Council shall be authorized to form a special interim commissionfor review of specific points.
3. The Faculty Council shall be authorized only if more than half of the members on the list attend the meeting. A decision shall bereachedonly if more than half of the attendees support the concerned issue.
4. The Minutes shall be formed at each meeting of the Faculty Council which shall be signed by the Chair and the Secretary of the Council.


Chapter IV
Faculty Personnel

Article 8. Composition of the Personnel
1. There are academic, administrative, scientific and support positions at the Faculty.
2. The Academic personnel of the Facultycomprisesprofessor, associate professor,assistant professor and assistant.
3. The Administrative Personnel comprisesthe Dean, the Deputy Dean and the Head of Quality Assurance Service.
4. Scientific positions incorporate the staff of the Independent Scientific- Research Units, of the Faculties of the Scientific-Research Institutes and other scientificpersonnel under the University staff list.
5. Support staff includes persons under the staff list as well as the invited ones based on the contracts who are essential for the activities of the Faculty.
6. The Faculty is authorized to invite a specialist with the relevant qualification without holding an academic position for the purpose of participation in and/or management of educational and/or scientific-research process.


Article 9. Academic Personnel
1. An academic personnel of the Faculty comprises professors and assistants.
2. Professors include professors, associate professors andassistant Professors.
3. The professors participate in and/or lead the educational process and the scientific research.

4. Under the supervision of  professor, associate professor and assistantprofessorconduct seminars and carry out research activities within the scope of the ongoing academic process at the Faculty.
5. Rule and terms of occupation of academic positions by the academic personnel as well as grounds for dismissal from the positions, workload, rights and obligations of the academic staff are defined under the University Statute and the relevant legal acts.


Article 10. Administrative Personnel
1. Rule and terms of occupation of an administrative position are set out by this Regulation and the Statute of the University.
2. The grounds for the early termination of the employment contract of the administrative staff member of the Faculty shall be:
a) the personal application;
b) the entry into force of a judgement of conviction made by the court against him/her;
c) death;
d) recognition of the staff member as a legally incapable person  or as a person with diminished capacity;
e)  other cases determined by the TSU Statue and the Georgian legislation.


Chapter V
The Dean of the Faculty

Article 11. Status of the Dean of the Faculty
The Dean of the Faculty shall lead the Faculty and represent it with the third party.


Article 12. Power of the Dean of the Faculty
1. Term of office of the Faculty Dean is 4 years. Position of the Dean can be held by one and the same person only for two full consecutive terms.
2. The Faculty Dean shall:
a) ensure the efficient performance of educational and scientific activities at the Faculty;
b) submit the Faculty development strategic plan, educational and scientific-research programs to the Faculty Council for review;
c) elaborate and submit the Regulation of the Faculty to the Faculty Council for review;
d) be responsible, within his/her scope of authority, for the execution of decisions made by the TSU Management;
e) chair the meetings of the Faculty Council;
f) be responsible for the targeted use of the budget of the Faculty;

g) present the Faculty personnel to the Head of the Administration for appointment;
h) submit the draft list of the academic and scientific positions to the Rector;
i) exercise other powers granted to him/her under this Regulation and the legislation of Georgia.
3. The Dean, within the scope of his/her authorities, shall issue an individual-legal act – Order.
4. Considering the interest of the Faculty, the Rector shall make the decision on the temporary change of the working place of the Dean (business trip) as well as on his/her leave which is documented by the Order of the Head of the Administration.
5. The Faculty Dean has two Deputies in financial-economic areas. The Dean shall present the candidacies of the Deputies to Rector and the Head of the Administration of TSU for appointment in compliance with the Rule under the TSU Statute.
6. The key tasks of the Deputy Dean shall be:
a) to ensure the effective management of the educational process and the scientific researches;
b) to ensure the functionality of the optimal system for management of finances and the material resources;
c) to do the Dean’s assignments.
7. In the event of temporary incapacity of execution of the power of the Dean, in absence of the relevant legal act defining the Acting Dean, the Deputy Dean in the financial-economic area, or in his/her absence, the Deputy Dean in the educational-scientific area automatically shall undertake his/her duties.


Article 13. Rule of Election of the Faculty Dean
1. The Dean shall be elected by a majority of members on the list at the Faculty Council.
2. A professor or an associate professor of the Faculty of Law can be elected as the Dean.
3. The elections of the Dean shall be conducted at the Faculty Council in compliance with the rule established under the legislation, TSU Statute and other relevant legal acts. The issues related to the elections shall be determined by the Academic Council.


Chapter VI

Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty

Article 14. Status of the Quality Assurance Service
1. For the systematic assessment of the quality of teaching and scientific research activities at the Faculty as well as of the quality of professional development of its academic personnel the Quality Assurance Service shall be established.
2. Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty is a part of the unified University system.
3. A member of the Quality Assurance Service can be a member of the Faculty Council who is a professor or an associate professor.

4. Upon necessity, the Quality Assurance Service shall be authorized to invite the relevant specialist for finding a solution to the certain issue.
5. The Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty shall ensure the high quality of studies by way of applying contemporary methods for learning, teaching and assessing (modules, credit systems etc.) and by way of developing self-assessment report for the processes of authorization and accreditation.
6. The Quality Assurance Service shallperform monitoring of the educational programs on a systematic basis. The results shall be reported to the Faculty Council for the further development of the programs.
7. The Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty shall submit the Performance Report to the Faculty Council once a year or upon necessity.


Article 15. The Head of the Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty
1. The Head of the Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty shall be elected by the Faculty Council.
2. The Head of the Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty shall:
a) lead the activities of the Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty in compliance with the TSU Statute, as well as the Regulations of the University Quality Assurance Service and of the Faculty;
b) distribute the duties among the members and employees of the Faculty Service;
c) lead the development and implementation of the short and long-term work plans of the Faculty Quality Assurance Service;
d) represent the Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty with the TSU governance, Faculties and other servicesas well as with the third party within the scope of competences;
e) exercise other powers within the competences as provided for by the Georgian legislation and the TSU Statute for the purpose of fulfilling imposed functions and objectives.
3. In absence of the Head of the Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty, one of the members of the Service shall undertake his/her duties.


Chapter VII
Dissertation Council
Article 16. Dissertation Council of Faculty

1. A Dissertation Council is the body that grants the Doctor's academic degree and operates its activities in compliance with the Georgian legislation, the TSU Statute and the Regulation of the Doctoral and Dissertation Council of the Faculty.


Chapter VIII

Educational and Scientific-Research Structural Units

Article 17. Educational Programmes
1. The Faculty implements the Bachelor’s programme of Law and International Law, Master’s programme of Law and International Law as well as the Doctoral programme of Law.
2. The interdisciplinary courses are implemented based on the decision of the Faculty Council.
3. Rule and prerequisites of admittanceto the Master’s programme are defined under the relevant legislation as well as pursuant to the requirements of the Master’s programme.
4. Rule and prerequisites of admittancetothe Doctoral Programme are defined under the Regulation of the Doctoral and Dissertation Council as well as pursuant to the requirements of the Doctoral programme.
5. Educational programme is a student-oriented curriculum with a flexible structure which is based on the academic results of the disciplinary and general (transferable) competences.
6. Educational Programme has a Head and/or a Coordinator who reports to the Faculty Council.

Article 18. Development, Review and Approval of Educational Programmes
1. Professors of the relevant disciplines of the Faculty participate in the development of the educational programme of the Faculty.
2. The Head of the Programme shall submit the educational programme to the Quality Assurance Service and upon positive decision - to the Dean of the Faculty.
3. The Dean of the Faculty shall submit the programmes to the Faculty Council for review.
4. The Faculty Council shall review the programme and upon agreement shall send it to the TSU Quality Assurance Service in order to present it to the Academic Council.
5. The educational programmes shall be approved by the TSU Academic Council.
6. Amendments to already approved educational programme shall be moved pursuant to the established rule for the approval of the programme.

Article 19. Academic Disciplines
1. An academic discipline is a unity of human, technical, educational and scientific resources which are essential for the implementation of a programme or tightly linked educational-scientific programmes.
2. An academic discipline shall outline the methods and the forms of teaching relevant areas of law and legal disciplines as well as integration of scientific research and achievementsin those disciplines in a learning process and shall work out common approaches in order to enrich the learning process.
3. Academic disciplines of the Faculty shall be:
3.1. Academic discipline of law incorporating the following sub-disciplines:
a) Private law
b) History of law

c) Methods of law
d) Public law (administrative Law and constitutional Law)
e) Criminal law
3.2. Academic discipline of international law.


Article 20. Institutes
1. The Faculty shall comprise the following educational/scientific-research institutes:
a) The Institute of Old Georgian Law, Romance Studies and History of Law
b) The Institute of Criminal Justice and Criminology
c) The Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
d) The Institute of Comparative and Transnational Criminal Law
e) The Institute of Corporate, Bank and Economic Law
f) The Institute of Notary Law
2. The educational/Scientific-research Institute of International Law provides administration of the educational programme of academic discipline of international law.
3. The Faculty Council shall decide on a formation of the institute and approval of its Regulation.
4. The structure and the performance rule of the institute are defined by this Regulation and the Regulation of the Institute. The goals and the directions of the research and scientific activities are defined by the Scientific Council in agreement with the Faculty Council.


Article 21. Management of Institute
1. The management bodies of the institute are the Director of the Institute and the Scientific Council. The Institute comprises its members –scientists, secretary and support personnel.
2. The Director of the Institute along with the Scientific Council shall lead the scientific activities of the Institute.
3. The Regulation of the Institute sets out the key directions of scientific activities of the Institute.


Article 22. Scientific Personnel of Institute
1. Scientific personnel of the Institute shall be composed of academic personnel of the Faculty and other scientists. Scientist of a relevant area who does not hold a position at TSU can be invited as ascholar of the Institute.
2. A scholar of the Institute shall participate in implementation of the project(s) envisaged by the Institute Plan.
3. A scholar shall have the right to:
a) independently determine the content, methods and means of the scientific research;
b) participate in competitions and other event for obtaining financing;
c) lead any activity linked to the fulfilments of the objectives of the Institute;

4. Director of Institute as well as other personnel of the Institute shall be remunerated. The amount and terms of the remunerationshall be defined under the labour contract.


Article 23. Rule of Appointment of the Director of Institute
1. The Head of Administration shall appoint and dismiss the Director ofInstitute upon the recommendation of the Scientific Council of Institute and Dean of the Faculty.
2. The position of the Director of Institute may be occupied by an academic staff member or a member of the Dissertation Council of the Faculty who is not the member of the Scientific-Research Institute.
3. The Director of Institute shall be appointed for one year.

Article 24. Authority of the Director ofInstitute
The Director of Institute shall:
a) lead the organizationaland scientific activities of Institute and represent it with the third party;
b) chair the Scientific Council of the Institute;
c) submit to the Faculty Council the key scientific directions defined by the Scientific Council for approval;
d) organize financing of the scientific projects as well as their material-technical provision;
e) support the enhancement of scientific contacts of Institute between the Georgian and the foreign educational institutions and other organizations;
f) ensure training and increase of qualification of the scientific personnel;
g) organize publishing the scientific research papers.

Article 25. Other Structural Units of Institute
Upon decision of the Faculty Council, Institute may incorporate the Scientific-Research Centres.

Article 26. Termination of Operation of Institute
1. Termination of operation of Institute may occur any time based on the decision of the Faculty Council and through moving the relevant amendment to the Regulation of the Faculty.
2. After termination of operation of Institute (liquidation) the property of the Institute shall remain with TSU.


Chapter IX
Support Structural Units

Article 27. Auxiliary Structural Units
1. Auxiliary structural units of the Faculty shall be formed for the smooth performance of the Faculty.

2. The auxiliarystructural units of the Faculty shall be: the Chancellery, the Study Process Management Service, the Internationalizationand Scientific Research Service, the Resource Management Service, the Dean’s Office.
3. The auxiliary structural units shall consist of a Head, a Deputy Head (if any) and the senior specialists.
4. The Dean of the Faculty shall submit to the Head of the University Administration a staff list and the Heads of the Units of the auxiliary structural units for approval.


Article 28. Library
A faculty library is a structural unit of the University library and it is regulated by the established rule under the Regulation of the University library and managed by the
Head of the University library with the consent of the Faculty Dean.


Article 29. Chancellery
1. The Chancellery of the Faculty is a structural unit of the Faculty which provides reception, registration andhandling of correspondence, applications and claims. Itsorts them out and distributes/delivers accordingly as well as upon necessity, endorses the documents and delivers them to the authorized persons.
2. The Faculty Chancellery is managed by the Head of the Chancellery. The latter is appointed by the Head of theTSU Administration upon the recommendation of the Faculty Dean.


Article 30. Study Process Management Service, Student Service Office
1. Study Process Management Service is an auxiliary structural unit of the Faculty which facilitates the implementation of the Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral Programmes.
2. Study Process Management Service comprises (1) study process management team and (2) student service team.
3. The key functions of the study process management team shall be:
a) formation of study timetables based on the workloads provided by the relevant academic disciplines;
b) provision of information about the academic workloads in a special template to the Study Process Management Department of TSU;
c) informing the HR Department about the workloads of the staff and invited pedagogues; issue requested certificates for the invited teachers during an academic year;
d) entering results of the exams and additional exams of the Faculty in TSU electronic databases ( ), within the competences;
e) formation of the contracts with the first-year students and with the students under mobility;
f) maintenance of personal files of students;

g) preparation of certificates for the Faculty students concerning the issues under the competencies of the Faculty;
h) preparation of the diploma supplements;
i) ensuring mobility of students through cooperation with the Quality Assurance Service;
j) preparation of a draft list of graduates;
k) elaboration of and putting forward the recommendation to the relevant Service at TSU on suspension or termination of the status of a student as well as on registration of students in additional academic term;
l) handling incoming correspondence within the competences.
4. The key functions of the Students Service team shall be:
a) organization of academic registration process of students;
b) informing academic and administrative personnel of the Faculty by e-mails about new rules, regulations, elaboration of guidelines/moving amendment to the guidelines;
c) providing consultations to students, handling certificates, sorting out incoming correspondence and preparation of replies;
d) Informing students about study-process related issues, uploading relevant information on the webpage;
e) Drafting examinations table within the competences;
f) Handling document in a foreign language within the competences;
g) Organization of informative meetings with students and professors.
5. The Staff of the Study Process Management Service may be assigned to fulfil the functions of the Study Process Management Team as well as the certain duties of the Student Service Team.


Article 31. Internalization and Scientific Research Service
1. The Internalization and Scientific Research Service is a structural unit of the Faculty ensuring organization and promotion of scientific research in the area of law as well as motivation of a young generation to be engaged in science, building relations with a local and foreign scientific, research and educational institutions, promotion of interdisciplinary research, inviting well-known scientists in the area of law and attraction of the scientific intelligence at the Faculty.
2. The key functions of the Internalization and Scientific Research Service shall be:
a) support to carrying out implementation of knowledge-based, quality and result-based scientific researches as well as enhancement of integration of scientific-research and learning process;
b) expanding international network of the Faculty, implementation of joint educational and scientific projects within the scope of educational and scientific directions of the faculty;
c) facilitation of performance of the structural units of the Faculty ;
d) implementation of programmes for young specialists for their professional advancement and for the support of the scholars;
e) invitation of foreign scientists and facilitation of their assistance;
f) support to the organization of science and research internship for academic personnel and students of the Faculty;

g) organization of scientific conferences of professors and students;
h) reporting to the Dean of the Faculty on the planned activities (conferences, seminars etc.) for the autumn semester at the end of each academic semester.
i) searching and earning scientific grants and educational scholarships;
j) informing and coordination of academic personnel of the Faculty about participation in scholarship competitions;
k) Coordination of scientific activities at the Faculty;
l) Searching for foreign teaching and scientific materials, selection of the relevant personnel for translation activities, organisation and coordination of translation process;
m) Support to scientific and teaching publications;
n) archiving data on public events held within the scope of the Faculty;
o) Reporting on performance of the Service.
3. The Internalization and Scientific Research Service is managed by the Head of the Service who is appointed by the Head of the TSU Administration upon the recommendation of the Faculty Dean.


Article 32. Resource Management Service
1. The Resource Management Service is designed to create relevant conditions for learning, labour and scientific-research works for the University students and personnel through effective management of material resources as well as to ensure the optimal modeof ownership and use of current property on the balance sheet of the Faculty and relevant technical facilities and inventory to the structural units and the staff;to establishproper scientific and technical bases andensure acquisition and maintenance of material values in full compliance with the current legislation.
2. Key objectives of the Resource Management Service shall be:
a) effective management of material resources under the ownership of the Faculty;
b) provision of educational and scientific-research processes with the relevant material resources;
c) improvement of material-technical and study databases on regular basis;
d) participation in drafting a budget of the Faculty;
e) making decisions on the financial resources of the Faculty as well as on the property under the ownership of the Faculty which shall be agreed with the TSU Administration;
f) cooperation with the relevant Services of TSU for the purpose of keeping, registration and disposal of material resources owned by the Faculty;
g) improvement of learning-methodological, scientific-research and material-technical bases of the Faculty for finding a solution to the prioritized objectives and ensuring readiness for the future plans;
h) ensuring learning processes with modern technologies.
3. Resource Management Service is led by the Head of the Service who is appointed by the Head of the TSU Administration upon the recommendation of the Faculty Dean.


Article 33. Faculty Dean’s Office
Faculty Dean has a Dean’s office the functions of which shall be:
a) support to fulfilment of the Dean’s functions;
b) elaboration of and submission to the Dean support projects for the implementation of faculty development plan, educational and scientific-research programs along with the Internarnalization and Scientific Research Service;
c) communication with the local and foreign partner institutions of the Faculty along with the Internalization and Scientific Research Service;
d) support to the guests of the Faculty to do their jobs and organization of hosting them along with the Internalization and Scientific Research Service;
e) coordination and support to the relations of the Dean with the University and Faculty structural units;
f) facilitation of preparation of agenda for the Faculty Council meeting;
g) arrangement of official meetings of the Dean;
h) coordination of relations of the Dean with the students and student organizations;
i) Coordination of the internal and mailing correspondence of the Dean;
j) working out drafts of the individual-legal acts of the Dean;
k) support to prepare the speech of the Dean;
l) supervision of effectiveness of working environment of the Dean;
m) fulfilment of other relevant tasks.


Chapter X

Article 34. Faculty Student
1. Faculty student is a person enrolled in a higher education institution under the procedure established by the Law of Georgia on Higher Education and the TSU Statute and studying to take a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or a Doctoral programme;
2. Rights and obligations of students are defined by the law of Georgia on Higher Education, the TSU Statute and other legal acts.
3. A status of student shall be suspended or terminated according to the rules determined by TSU Statute and other legal acts.
4. Prerequisites for the enrolment to the educational programmes are defined by the relevant educational program.


Article 35. Students Self-governance

Establishment and formation rule of the Student self-governance of the Faculty as well as their rights and obligations are determined by the Law of Georgia on Higher Education, TSU Statute and the Regulation of TSU Student self-governance.


Chapter XI

Budget and Finances of the Faculty

Article 36. Faculty Budget
1. Faculty Budget is the part of the TSU Budget.
2. The Faculty shall participate in drafting the budget of the University in compliance with the rule established by the TSU legal acts.

Article 37. Faculty Finances
Any issues related to the funds raised by the Faculty or to the ownership and use of its property shall be decided by the Faculty with the consent of the Head of the Administration of the University.


Chapter XII

Amendments and Additions to the Regulation of the Faculty
Article 38. Rule of adoption, annulment of and making amendments and additions to the Regulation

1. The Regulation of the Faculty shall be drafted by the Faculty Council upon the recommendation of the Dean and submitted to the Representative council for approval.
2. The Regulation of the Faculty shall be approved by the Representative Council pursuant to the rule established by the TSU Statute.
3. Adoption, annulment of, making amendment and addition to the Regulation shall be carried out by the Faculty Council upon the recommendation of the Dean and be approved by the Representative Council in compliance with the rule established by the TSU Statute.


Chapter XIV

Transitional and Final Provisions
Article 39. Adoption and Enactment of the Regulation

The Regulation shall be enacted by the TSU Representative Council upon its approval.