Professor Levan Alexidze
Distinguished Scientist
Full Member of Georgian National Academy of Sciences
Public figure
Diplomat and
The Founder of the Georgian School of International law
The Founder of the Georgian school of international law, Professor of Ivane Javakhisvili Tbilisi State University, Full Member of Georgian National Academy of Sciences, globally recognized scholar, State and Public figure Levan Alexidze was born in 1926 in Tbilisi.
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Full member of the Georgian Academy of the science, Holder of the Georgian State Award (1986), Chevalier of the Orders: of Honor (1996), Excellence (2010), St. George (2012); Laureate of Ivane Javakhishvili Forum (2015), Honorary Citizen of Tbilisi (2011), the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, has been working at Tbilisi State University since 1950.
In 1946 L. Alexidze graduated from Tbilisi State University, faculty of law, in 1947-1950 he finished full preparatory courses for the “Candidate of Sciences” of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow and became the first scientist with the professional specialization - “International Law”. In July 1950 he defended his thesis for the professional qualification of the “Candidate of Sciences” - “Unanimity at the UN Security Council as an International Law Institute”.
In 1950-51 - he is an assistant teacher at the Law Faculty of Tbilisi State University, subsequently head teacher; in 1953-1964 he is elected “docent” of the law faculty and in 1965 - becomes professor at the same faculty.
In 1964 L. Alexidze defends a doctoral thesis: “Relationships of Georgia and Russia in XV-XVIII Centuries[M1] (International law analysis)”.
In 1970-1977 L. Alexidze was sent to New York and Geneva, UN Secretariat, as the responsible staff of Human Rights Department. In 1971-1975 Prof. Alexidze is the Secretary of the Subcommittee for Nondiscrimination and Protection of National Minorities, in 1975-1976 he serves as the Head of Consultancy and Special Tasks Unit, as well as Interim Heads of Human Rights Department and UN General Assembly Third Committee and Interim Secretary of Human Rights Commission, acting simultaneously as UN Secretary General Official’s Representative at UN seminars organized by him –there were held series of seminars on various international law aspects of human rights (Geneva, Vienna, Tunisia, Canberra). Prof. Alexidzehe was also responsible person for preparation and publishing of the UN annual “Human Rights Bulletin” and “UN Human Rights Annual.
In 1977-1978 Prof. Alexidze resumed his academic career at Tbilisi State University Faculty of Law. Since 1978 he was the Head of Division of Fundamentals of Law and International Law and in 1985-1992 served as the Vice-Rector in Academic Studies.
In 1988 Prof. Alexidze was elected as associate member of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, and as full member - in 2001.
From the very first days Georgia restored its sovereignty, Levan Aleksidze has actively been involved in defending the country's interests in state and public life, both nationally and internationally. In 1991-1992 Member of the Parliament of Georgia, and in 1992-1993 Member of the State Council of Georgia and Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations; in June 1993 - Vice-Head of the Georgian Government Delegation at the Vienna World Conference on Human Rights; in 1994 - 1999 - Representative of Georgia at the UN Commission on Human Rights; in 1993 - 1995 - Expert of the Georgian delegation in the field of law at the 47-49 sessions of the UN General Assembly; in 1993 - 1995 - Member of the Georgian delegation to the UN-led Geneva talks (aimed at resolving the Abkhazia, Georgia conflict); in March 1997 - Head of the Georgian delegation to the session of the Human Rights Committee; July 1998 - Expert on Legal Affairs at the Rome Conference on the International Criminal Court. In 1999 - 2012 prof. L. Aleksidze was a member of the Council of Europe European Commission on Racism and Intolerance.
Prof. Alexidze is the author of more than 150 works published in Russian, English, German, and Spanish languages.
Prof. Alexidze was the first to research historical aspects of Georgia’s international legal practice. His works concerned Georgia’s relations with Roman Empire; Fight for independence in XI-XVIII centuries and formation of Georgian theory of sovereignty; Legal Status of foreigners in XII century in Georgia, Legal Aspects of Georgian-Russian relationship in XV-XVIII centuries. These works present a completely new insight into many of the issues raised.
Prof. L. Alexidze is a recognized expert in one of the most problematic issues in the field of international law - the role and place of imperative norms (Jus Cogens) in international law.
Prof. Alexidze was often invited for lecturing or consulting on the issue of Jus Cogens. Besides Tbilisi was frequently visited by scientists from various states seeking additional knowledge in the topic.
In 1981 Prof. Alexidze was a guest professor at The Hague Academy of International Law, where complex study of Jus Cogens problem was undertaken. The proceedings of the lectures were printed in Hague, Recueil de Cours V.172 (ID), 1981. His Monography (Some Theoretical Problems of International Law: Peremptory Norms (Jus Cogens)”, Tbilisi, 1982) published in Russian by Tbilisi State University publishers (supplemented by an extensive English resume in 27 pgs.) was widely recognized in world doctrine of international law.
The contribution of Prof. Alexidze in study of Jus Cogens is clearly reflected in the work of one of the most prominent Finnish scientists, Professor Lauri Hannikainen , where he underlines: “I wish to thank two experts from the United States and the other from the Soviet Union, for their advice in the early stages of the present study. They are my stimulating teachers Leo Gross, then Professor of International Law at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and Levan Alexidze Professor of International Law at the Tbilisi State University, “guiding lights’ in my arduous research project’.
In the collection dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Academician Levan Aleksidze "Theory and Practice of Modern International Law" (eds. K. Korkelia, D. Pataraia, Ir. Kurdadze), the same author specially allocates a paragraph entitled "Professor Levan Aleksidze - as recognized Jus Cogens Expert ".
Another well-known expert in the problem of Jus Cogens, Professor Maurizio Ragazzi names his contribution to this collection - “Alexidze on Jus Cogens”.
Similar high estimation is given to the contribution of Ac. L. Alexidze to the theory and history of international law by prominent Ukrainia scientist, Judge of the European Court of Human Rights (1996-2008), Vladimir Butkevich, who appraises the problem-solving method used by Prof. Alexidze which is “through historism”: “I call Ac. L. Alexidze “Georgian Hugo Grotius’, because he follows the main position of the great Dutch scientist - the most important in science is to present approved theory, rather than praise established authorities in the field.”
According to V. Butkevich, the main contribution of Prof. Alexidze lies in the fact that even in the Soviet reality he was able to consider the development of international law from a completely new approach as shown in the international law practice of Georgia since antique times. Ac. L. Alexidze was brave to break Soviet science stereotypes, altering them with strong scientific proofs of his theories.
Prof. L. Alexidze also greatly contributed to the fight for restoration of Georgia’s independence, where he played an active role in preparation of legal basis and determination of international law position of a new independent state.
It has to be noted, that already in 1989, when the national movement strengthened, Georgian Communist Party had to create a Commission composed of prominent scientists and public figures. The objective of the Commission was to provide political and legal analysis for termination of 1920 Treaty concluded between Georgia and Soviet Russia. The international-law part of the Commission's report was based on values provided by Prof. Alexidze, according to which: Soviet intervention in Georgia in February-Mach of 1921 constituted a grave breach of the 1920 Treaty resulting in the occupation of the State and its factual annexation.
Overall, the Report of the Commission was an extraordinary political challenge in the times of Soviet regime, but all members of the Commission understood it, as well as Members of the Supreme Council of Georgia which gave its approval and transferred the said document to the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union. Prof. Alexidze’s scientific professionalism is also closely linked to the Act of Restoration of Independent Statehood of Georgia; he is one of the co-authors of this document.
A great part of Prof. Alexidze’s scientific work (since 1970ies) was dedicated to the study of one of the most controversial issues in international law. According to him the norms and principles recognized by the international community as a whole enjoy primacy over national legislation -a position not favored in Soviet times.
But time came when Prof. Alexidze was able to implement the above- mentioned concept into practice. 1991 the Act of Restoration of State Independence of Georgia (April 9th) communicated to the world that “the primacy of international law and direct application of its norms and principles on the territory of Georgia are declared as one of the basic constitutional principles of the Republic of Georgia”. These values were further developed in 1995 Constitution of Georgia (articles 6,7 (in the 2018 edition - Article 4.3)) when Prof. Alexidze was a member of the Constitutional Commission. He is one of the signatories of this foundation document.
In the very first years of restoration of Georgia’s independent statehood Faculty of International Law and International Relations was formed at Tbilisi State University with the initiative of Ac. L. Alexidze. The faculty soon became well-known for the high professionalism of its alumni.
The theoretical concepts of Prof. Alexidze and the likeminded have found their niche in the doctrine of international law, which gives us the ground to recognize the distinguished scientist as the founder of the Georgian school of International Law.
This very school prepared and published in Georgian the first two original, dictionary-reference book reflecting the international law and domestic practice of Georgia (“Modem International Law” editor and co-author - L. Alexidze Tb. 2003,417 pgs. “International Law of Human Rights” editor and co-author - L. Alexidze Tb. 2006,283 pgs.).
Prof. L. Alexidze is known not only as a distinguished expert of modem theory and history of international law, but as a scientist who has used his knowledge against the aggressive separatism and ideological campaign of Russian political and legal scientists for supporting Abkhaz separatist in proving their right to challenge the territorial integrity of the Georgian State based on the realization of their right to self- determination.
The works by prof. Alexidze published in Russian in the Moscow Journal of International Law (Legal Aspects of Abkhazian Problems in the light of Documentary Proved (and not forged historical experience and contemporary international law, #3, 1998), and in English (“Unsound Endeavors of Abkhaz Side to the Conflict in Abkhazia* Georgia, to Prove the Legitimacy of Claiming “the right to Self-Determination, Including Secession from Georgia” - “Journal of International Law”, Tbilisi Univ. Press. Nl, 2001) deserve special attention as they have laid the ground for Georgia’s position on negotiations for conflict resolution in Abkhazia, Georgia. Prof. Alexidze took an active part in the negotiations for conflict settlement since the very start of the conflict.
Prof. Aleksidze's scientific, legal and political assessments of the 2008 Russia-Georgia war, including the comprehensive legal analysis of so-called “Tagliavini's Report”, is invaluable.
On this regard should be underlined excellent articles and researches of Prof. Alexidze published in national and international editions.
Правовые аспекты абхазской проблемы в свете документально подтвержденного, а не фальсифицированного исторического опыта и современного международного права (Московский журнал международного права, №3, 1998)
О несостоятельности попыток абхазской стороны в конфликте в Абхазии, Грузия, юридически обосновать «право Абхазии на самоопределение, вплоть до отделения от Грузии» - "Journal of International Law" 2001 N1 p. 80-103 (English version - UNSOUND ENDEAVOURS OF THE ABKHAZ SIDE TO THE CONFLICT IN ABKHAZIA, GEORGIA, TO PROVE THE LEGITIMACY OF CLAIMING "THE RIGHT OF ABKHAZIA TO SELF-DETERMINATION, INCLUDING SECESSION FROM GEORGIA")
აფხაზეთში ქართველი მოსახლეობის ეთნიკური წმენდის საერთაშორისო დაგმობის საქმეში ეუთოს გადამწყვეტი როლის შესახებ – „საერთაშორისო სამართლის ჟურნალი“ (თსუ), 2008 #1, გვ. 33–39 (English version - VITAL ROLE OF OSCE IN CONDEMNING ETHNIC CLEANSING OF GEORGIAN POPULATION IN ABKHAZIA, GEORGIA, BY THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY)
საქართველოს ტერიტორიაზე რუსეთის შეიარაღებული ძალების შემოჭრის საერთაშორისოსამართლებრივი ასპექტები – „საერთაშორისო სამართლის ჟურნალი“ (თსუ), 2008 #2, გვ. 7–8 ( English version - INTERNATIONAL LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE ARMED INTERVENTION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION IN GEORGIA) (русская версия )
И снова агрессия, интервенция и оккупация Грузии с целью ликвидации суверенитета и территориальной целостности страны – «Свободная Грузия», 30 Август, 2008. ( English version - AND AGAIN: AGGRESSION, INTERVENTION AND OCCUPATION OF GEORGIA AIMED AT RAZING THE SOVEREIGNTY AND TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY OF THE COUNTRY)
Бессилие Совета Безопасности OOH урегулировать конфликт в Абхазии, Грузия, подрывает основные устои международного правопорядка (Агрессивный Сепаратизм VS. Международное Сообщество) – «Журнал Международного Права» (Тбилисский Государственный Университет им. Ив. Джавахишвили) 2009 №1 с. 82-100 ( English version - THE FAILURE OF THE UN SECURITY COUNCIL IN SETTLEMENT OF THE CONFLICT IN ABKHAZIA, GEORGIA, UNDERMINES THE FUNDAMENTALS OF THE INTERNATIONAL LEGAL ORDER)
საქართველოში კონფლიქტთან დაკავშირებული ფაქტების დამდგენი საერთაშორისო დამოუკიდებელი მისიის მოხსენების საერთაშორისოსამართლებრივი ასპექტები – „საერთაშორისო სამართლის ჟურნალი“ (თსუ), 2, 2009 – 1, 2010, გვ. 5– 14 (English version - ASPECTS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW OF THE REPORT OF INDEPENDENT INTERNATIONAL FACT-FINDING MISSION ON THE CONFLICT IN GEORGIA)
Has Kosovo Case Diminished the adherence of the International Community of States to the Inviolability of Territorial Integrity of the UN State-members Including Georgia (Report presented to the “Fourth Forum of Researches” held by the European Association of International Law, in Tallinn, May 28, 2011).
For a number of years L. Alexidze headed the State Commission in charge of transferring material on genocide and ethnic cleansing of Georgians in Abkhazia to the international tribunal. Reports by Prof. Alexidze were distributed as documents of the UN Security Council and Commission on Human Rights
Especially noteworthy are last two summary documents. One “on the Revealed Facts of the Policy of Ethnic Cleansing/Genocide Conducted in the Territory of Abkhazia, Georgia, and necessity of bringing persons committed these crimes before justice in accordance with International Principles of the Due Process deserves particular attention. The latter document as all the other ones contained not only factual material, but thorough international-law analysis of the issues. Based on these very documents, OSCE and even CIS Head of State Summit (Minsk, 1997) final documents where ethnic cleansing of Georgian population from Abkhaz separatist – the fact which is raised in every UN GA resolution on the Situation on Abkhazia, Georgia. And again, the role of Prof. Alexidze in the process of elaboration the respective OSCE resolutions is enormous.
The theoretical basis of Ac. L. Alexidze’s knowledge and attention to historical facts have laid ground for international condemnation of aggressive separatism ideology on the international arena.
Prof. Allexidze did a lot to provide the Georgian language students with tutorials. As early as 1968, the original, first Georgian-language textbook “Modern International Law” was published and since numerous updated editions were released on frequent basis (last edition in 2013).
Prof. L. Alexidze does much for professional growth of young scientists. He has played an active role in the professional life of many than Candidates of Legal Sciences and Doctors of law. Prof.
Prof. Alexidze is widely known as a prudent scientific supervisor and objective opponent for scientific dissertations not only in Georgia but also in Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and Armenia.
Prof. L. Alexidze was actively involved in the work of international organizations and their national divisions. Since 1958 he has been the member of Soviet Association of International Law, in 1962-1970, 1981-1991 - member of the executive committee of the same organization, in 1961- 1981 member of World International Law Association, in 1970-1976 - member of American Association of International Law.
Prof. L. Alexidze used to be invited by foreign universities to deliver lectures as well as he was desired reporter in various international conferences and symposia. Besides, foreign scientists used to come to Tbilisi for holding consultations with him.
Until the last day of his life, Mr. Levan was tirelessly involved in both scientific and university life with his characteristic diligence and dedication to work.
Academician, Professor Levan Aleksidze has left an indelible mark in the memory of many generations.