The purpose of the training is to inform participants about international standards of writing projects, to promote the development of all skills necessary for writing effective projects. The course is designed for beginners.
Training results
Knowledge and awareness:
Students will get knowledge about basic techniques of situation analysis/problem identification and setting project goals and tasks;
They will know how to define a project volume realistically and how to reflect it in the process of planning;
They will get knowledge about the components of project application according to international standards;
Main ways, methods and activities for project implementation;
How to develop project sustainability and dissemination strategy;
How to define project-related risks and develop the mechanisms for avoiding these risks;
How to draw up a budget.
Skills of using knowledge in practice:
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to analyze the situation/identify a problem as well as to set project goals and tasks;
To define a project volume realistically and reflect it effectively in the process of planning;
To create components of project application according to international standards;
To define the ways, methods and activities for project implementation;
To develop project sustainability and dissemination strategy;
To define project-related risks and develop the mechanisms for avoiding these risks;
To draw up a budget.
To develop an effective project management system;
To define project monitoring and assessment tools and methods.
Duration: 8 hours
Fee: GEL 80
For TSU students – GEL 70
The Center for Lifelong Learning reserves the right to cancel or postpone training in case of insufficient number of participants in the group. In this case, already registered participants will be notified about the changes and they will be automatically registered for the following course, or if this proposal is not acceptable for them, they will receive their payment back.
Contact information:
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave, TSU Center for Lifelong Learning (a two-storey building beside 1st Building of TSU, 2nd story). Telephone: 225 04 84, (internal number: 1465 or 1466). Email:
კურსის ავტორი და ტრენერია ქეთი ცინცაძე, ლექტორი, ტრენერი, უწყვეტი განათლების ექსპერტი. ქეთი ცინცაძე ასევე უძღვება ტრენერების ტრენინგს. არის რამდენიმე წარმატებული საერთაშორისო პროექტის ავტორი და თანაავტორი. აქვს საერთაშორისო და ადგილობრივ პროექტებში მონაწილეობის გამოცდილება.