● The precondition for enrolling on Vocational Education Programs at TSU and starting studies; a) undergoing vocational testing for the 5th level of Vocational Education Programs, which is conducted by the National Examination Center (vocational testing consists of parts of skills and subject/group of subjects). b) Applicants undergo a vocational selection organized by the TSU Center of Vocational Education for the 4th level vocational education programs.
● Registration of applicants for Vocational Education Programs takes place once a year - the exact dates of registration are determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia.
● Applicants can register at the webpage: www.vet.emis.ge.
● You will receive information about the beginning of the registration of applicants for Vocational education programs through the mass media and from the main websites: www.mes.gov.ge, www.naec.ge, www.vet.ge, www.tsu.ge.
● For more information, call the TSU hotline - 032 2 25 04 84 or write us through an e-mail - cve@tsu.ge Our address on the social network www.fb.com/TSUVET