Supporting the University's Participation in International Grant Competitions
On the initiative of the Quality Assurance Service, in cooperation with the relevant administrative structures of the university, the rule for submitting an international grant application within the framework of “Erasmus +” (Key Action 2; Key Action 3; Jean Monnet) was developed and approved on behalf of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Order: 24.12.2019, 22/04). The purpose of this rule is to ensure high quality, reliability, efficiency of the projects carried out in the name of the University, as well as to ensure university priorities and compliance with its needs; to assist the university in systematizing grant applications, controlling and avoiding unproductive costs. The rule defines those requirements that an international grant application must meet in order to be nominated on behalf of the university or to be involved in the project as one of the participants.
The composition of the commission was approved (Order 333 / 01-01, 30.12.2019), composed of heads of various administrative structural units, who evaluate the project within their competence, including Quality Assurance Service, Finance Department, International Relations Department, Scientific Research and Development Department, Personnel Management Department, Legal Department. The Commission is led by the Head of the Administration. The Commission will review the project, which will be submitted by the grant applicants/group of applicants in an approved form. The Commission is authorized to issue recommendations. In the absence of recommendations, or on the term of fulfilling the recommendations, the Commission shall submit to the Rector a document (mandate, declaration) for signing required for the University to participate in the grant project. This procedure will contribute to the high quality of projects implemented on behalf of the University/with the participation of the University, their compliance with the priorities and needs of the University. It will also prevent the university from making such commitments that can be problematic to carry out while providing support to applicants in the form of advice and recommendations.
The Commission held meetings from December 2019 to February 2020 (a total of 28 project applications were considered), in parallel, supportive activities were planned – including information meetings and personal consultations. As a result of the feedback from stakeholders, as well as the evaluation of the results of the work of the commission, the rules and procedures are being further refined and additional support mechanisms are being offered to applicants.