About Us
The Quality Assurance Service (QAS) ensures the quality of teaching, learning, research, and the third mission of the university (contributions to the development of society) at the administrative and faculty levels as well as institutional effectiveness. It is one of the main governing bodies of the university aiming to establish a culture of quality within the university.
QAS operates in accordance with the laws of Georgia on higher education and on the guidelines and recommendations of the Bologna Process and the Grand Charter of Universities, in accordance with the “Plan, Implement, Check, Act” (PDCA) cycle. It carries its activities by adhering to the principles of autonomy; inclusion; academic integrity of the university; respect for academic freedom and diversity; sharing best practices; and with a critical approach to current issues.
Important guidelines of TSU’s Quality Assurance Service include:
- Internal and external quality assurance of educational programs;
- Introduction of research evaluation mechanisms;
- Introduction of a system for evaluating the effectiveness of the university and promoting institutional development;
- Support for the professional development of the academic staff;
- Promotion of international cooperation and the integration of the university into the common European educational space.