Nino Gvenetadze
Nino Gvenetadze
Date of birth – 27.01.1964
1985-1990 – Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University
Faculty of Law, Major in Jurisprudence
1990-1993 - post-graduate student of the Criminal Law faculty of the Institute of State and Law at the Georgian National Academy of Sciences
1995 – Candidate of Legal Sciences (Doctor)
Work experience
1994-1998 – Deputy Head of Public Law Department at the Ministry of Justice of Georgia
1994-2001 - member of the commission on developing a draft Criminal Code within the State Commission for Legal Reform
1999-2008 - Associate Professor at the Criminal Law and Criminology Department of Tbilisi State University’s Faculty of Law
1998-1999 – Chairperson of Georgian Young Lawyers Association
1999-2006 – member of the Supreme Court of Georgia; judge of the Chamber of Criminal Cases; Chair of the Association of Judges
2004-2011 - board member of the Foundation for the Support of Legal Education at the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association and lecturer of Criminal Law;
2006-2008 – Associate Professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Georgia
2007-2015 – Professor of Georgian-American University, head of MA and PhD degree programs
2015-2018 – Chairperson of the Supreme Court of Georgia and of the High Council of Justice
Projects/academic conferences
2001-2002 – Germany, Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Foreign and International Criminal Law, scientific scholar and DAAD scholarship holder
2004 – Transnational Crime and Corruption in Georgia, Georgian Office of Transnational Crime and Corruption Center of American University; individual grant “Corruption in Georgia”
2007 – Civil Society Development Foundation; Human Rights Institute in Georgia; project manager and expert, human rights in criminal law and administrative proceedings
2008 – TSU project
Jury Trial – expert
2008-2009 – project of Rustaveli National Science Foundation; Law Faculty of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University; promoting the development of European criminal law in Georgia
July-August, 2010 – Germany, Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Foreign and International Criminal Law, an academic paper and research topic: “Plea bargaining in Georgian criminal proceedings”
April-August, 2010 – Transparency International Georgia, expert and author of the project “Plea bargaining in Georgia”
2010-2012 – Georgian Bar Association, Criminal Law Committee, expert
2010-2011, IFES, university council member, GAU representative
2011-2014 – Germany, Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Foreign and International Criminal Law, scientific scholar and Georgian expert in the project “Development of Criminal Law Policy and Rule of Law in Transitional Justice”
2011-2012 - Open Society Georgia Foundation (OSGF), expert in the project “Juvenile Justice Reform”
2012-2018 - member of the Justice Ministry’s Interagency Committee on Reforms of Criminal and Juvenile Justice;
March 2012 – American Bar Association (ABA) project “Rule of Law Initiative,” trainer for jurisprudence professors
Main publications
1. “Crime directed against entrepreneurial or other types of economic activities, commentaries,” – Georgian Young Lawyers Association, Tbilisi 1999
2. “The conduct of forensic expert examination in and outside forensic institutions”, Forensic expert examination in court, chapter VIII, p. 37-45, publishing house Meridiani 1999
3. “Imposition of sentence, exemption from criminal liability and sentence,” overview of general part of criminal law (Sections III and IV, chapters - XVII, XVIII, XIX) Tbilisi, 2004
4. “Corruption in Judiciary,” transnational crime and corruption in Georgia, Georgian office of transnational crime and corruption center of American University p. 64-94, publishing house Polygraph, (2005)
5. “Vote-buying, election fraud and participation in elections, referendum or plebiscite”. (Articles 1641 and 1643 of criminal code. Special part., chapter 1, (p. 284-290), publishing house Meridiani, 2006
6. “Traffic offences”, special part of criminal code, book 2, articles 276, 283. Publishing house Meridiani, Tbilisi, 2005
7. “Plea bargaining”, methodology of taking decisions on criminal cases, chapter III, Tbilisi 2005
8. “Protocol 7 to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, and plea bargaining”, right to fair trial, training center of justice of Georgia, Tbilisi 2005
9. “Criminal Procedure Systems of European Community” Van den Wyngaert, translation in Georgian. Editor of the publication. Georgian Young Lawyers Association, Tbilisi, 2002
10. “Common Law Jury” Neil Vidmar, translation in Georgian, editor of the publication, Tbilisi, 2005
11. “Entitling norms in criminal code of Georgia”, Problems of Criminal Law and Modern Criminology, Meridiani 2006
12. “Sentence of sentences in combination of crimes,” co-author, Journal “Justice and Law” 2008
13. “European criminal law”, in cooperation with M.Turava, L.Maglakelidze, A.Oxanashvili, Rustaveli Foundation, Georgian Studies, Humanities and Social Sciences, Meridiani publishers, Tbilisi, 2010
14. Manual for Patient Rights. Tbilisi 2011
15. “Juvenile Justice in Georgia: Diversion and Mediation” (co-author) Tbilisi 2012.
16. Legal Clinic handbook for Law faculties (co-author) Tbilisi 2012.
17. Judicial error in Georgia. Tbilisi, Journal „Advocate“. Journal of Georgian Bar Association 2013 #1.