Structural Units of University Administration:
The Learning Process Management Department is a structural unit of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU).
The scope, goals and tasks of the Department’s activities are: to support the University’s integration into an international educational space; to correctly orient students to the learning process, educational programs; to systematize information about enrolled persons, etc.
The Department consists of three divisions:
Learning Process Management Division
Student Service Division
Student Registry Division
The Learning Process Management Division provides organizational support for the learning process, develops the University’s draft legal acts, handles the received correspondence and if needed, prepares letters in coordination with other structural units of the University; also participates in the events aimed to ensure the integration of entrants/MA candidates/students eligible to study on an accredited program without passing the unified entrance/Master’s entry examinations into the learning process. Within its competence, the Division collaborates with relevant structures of Georgian and foreign higher educational institutions.
The Student Service Division handles the received correspondence and if needed, develops legal acts, projects and letters in coordination with other structural units of the University; within its competence, the Division collaborates with relevant structures of Georgian and foreign higher educational institutions. In agreement with relevant government agencies, the Division develops and fills out the forms of state documents certifying higher and vocational education – diplomas and vocational education diplomas, as well as verifies their annexes, issues and registers them under the rules set by law. The Division cooperates with authorized state institutions to verify the authenticity of state documents certifying higher and vocational education – diplomas and vocational education diplomas, as well as their annexes. Within its competence, it issues various documents to students and graduates.
The Student Registry Division cooperates with authorized state institutions on the issues of educational registry, enters and updates information about those persons who were enrolled on the educational program, enters and updates information in the University’s learning process management system, monitors students’ administrative and academic registration process, etc.
Contact information:
Tel: (032) 2 25 04 84
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., N1, TSU, 1st Building, room N119, room N120
The Research Management in TSU is carried out by the Department of Scientific Research and Development (R&D). Department helps Faculties/Institutes staff secure external funding to support their research, promotes, supports and administers quality research activity at TSU.
Key responsibilities:
Promote high-quality and internationally competitive research
Develop conditions for sustainable growth of R&D system
Promote human potential and infrastructure development
Promote and support science commercialization
Promote integration of scientific research and education
Administer/monitor research grants – review proposals for compliance with application guidelines and University policies and authorizes submission, review, negotiation and acceptation of grants and contracts on behalf of TSU
Collect and report research performance data
Develop research related policy and advise to Senior Management
Conduct seminars/workshops/conferences
Advise on all aspects of proposal development and award administration
Nowadays TSU combines and provides basic financing for 16 scientific-research Institutes, which operate under the aegis of Department of Scientific R&D. The main source of funding for the Institutes is the grants received, with indirect costs of 8-12%.
Contact information:
Tel: (032) 2 25 04 84
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., N1, TSU, 1st Building, room N113
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University has created a coordinating group - the Examination Center, which is authorized to organize the teaching of all three levels at TSU:
• Intermediate, semester final / additional written exams.
• Master's and Doctoral written exams.
• Written exams for incoming foreign citizens (without passing the Unified National Exams).
• Written exams for admission to vocational education programs.
• Written exams for students participating in exchange programs.
• Foreign Language Level exams for first-year students.
Contact information:
Examination Center - Tel: (032) 2 25 04 84, internal phone number: 9021; 9022, 9023, 1321, 1328, 324,1325,1327, 9025
Address: University Str. 11 (Library building)
The scope of activities of the Center for Lifelong Learning is the development of TSU's lifelong learning system and the implementation of high quality, research-based educational programs. The purpose of the Center is to enable the university community and the wider public to use the resources and experience of TSU to enhance their professional and personal development, to improve their qualifications, to acquire new professional skills, to create the basis for achieving academic goals (BA, MA). The Center also aims to establish close cooperation with schools.
Contact information:
Tel: (032) 2 25 04 84,
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., TSU, 1st Building, Center for Lifelong Learning
The Language Center at TSU was established in 2007.
It offers teaching of foreign languages within the framework of the educational units of TSU faculties, both philological and non-philological directions.
The Language Center provides the following foreign languages:
- European languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Modern Greek
- Eastern languages: Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Japanese, Hebrew, Modern Armenian
- Caucasian languages: Azerbaijani, Adyghe-Circassian
- Classical languages: Latin, Ancient Greek
- Georgian as a foreign language
The Language Center employs a group of qualified instructors.
Our policy of continuous teacher development ensures reliability and quality.
Contact information:
Tel: (032) 2 25 04 84,
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., N36, TSU, 5th Building, room N231
The mission of the Student Service and Career Development Center is to assist students in their search for employment opportunities that match their knowledge, interests, and aspirations in order to establish themselves in the labor market and achieve successful personal and professional self-realization.
Assisting students in developing general skills necessary for employment;
Informing students about labor market opportunities and prospects through individual and group counseling;
Regular training: CV, cover letter and other documents needed in the job search process, interview with the employer;
Assisting students in career orientation and self-determination, setting priorities and amnaging their own education and careers;
Supporting students in their relations with employers: thematic events, seminars, meetings, employment forums;
Liaising with employers to promote various employment opportunities for students (internships and others).
Contact information:
Tel: (032) 2 25 04 84, internal phone number 1462; 1466
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., N1, TSU, 1st Building, Center for Lifelong Learning
The Legal Department of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University is an auxiliary structural unit of the university. The responsibilities of the Legal Department are defined by Georgian Parliamentary legislation, the secondary legislative regulations, the Statute of the University, the code of ethics, and the disciplinary liability regulations of the department. Within the limits of its jurisdiction, the head of the legal department supervises the implementation of the legislative regulations and the administrative directives of the Rector and the Chancellor.
Contact information:
Tel: (032) 2 25 04 84
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., N1, TSU, 1st Building, room N017
The Personnel Management Department is an auxiliary structural unit of the University. The Department is guided in its activities by the laws of Georgia, bylaws, university statutes and the regulations of the Personnel Management Department.
The field of activity of the Department is the organization, coordination, control and implementation of works related to the management of the university personnel, which includes:
Preparing and presenting conclusions on issues related to the management and optimal use of human resources based on knowledge of modern methodological approaches and principles;
Analyzing and evaluating, in cooperation with the heads of the structural units, the systems of remuneration and material incentives operating in the University;
Preparing/updating job descriptions for staff, participating in the organization of recruitment and selection procedures;
Signing contracts with administrative and academic staff and monitoring the fulfillment of the terms and conditions specified in the contract;
Preparing drafts of individual legal acts - orders, agreements, various regulatory acts;
Clarification of interests of parties involved in labor relations, assessmenet of possible conflicts, study of informal aspects of labor relations, etc.
Contact information:
Tel: (032) 2 25 04 84, internal phone number: 1284; 1286
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., N1, TSU, 1st Building, room N118
The main goals and objectives of the Internal Audit Service are:
To promote increased effectiveness and efficiency in the operation and management of the university system;
Examination of the legality, purpose, expediency, economy and effectiveness of expenditure, use, management and protection of financial resources, tangible assets, other property values and intangible assets, compliance with the requirements of applicable legislation and individual legal acts issued by the University, accounting and financial reporting, identification and evaluation of existing risk factors and development of appropriate strategies and recommendations for their management, the implementation of which will help the University to achieve its goals;
Regarding the facts of official misconduct, legal response and prevention of such misconduct.
The Finance Department of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University is an auxiliary structural unit of the University. The activity of the Department is guided by the laws of Georgia, bylaws, the Statute of the University and the present Regulations. Within the limits of its competence, the Department is accountable to the Rector and the Head of the Administration of the University, fulfills the tasks provided by the law, assigned by the Rector and the Head of the Administration on the basis of the law.
Contact information:
Tel: (032) 2 25 04 84
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., N1, TSU, 1st Building, room N015; 016; 018; 019; 020.
The main field of activity of the Department is to create normal conditions for study, work and scientific-research activities of students and employees of the University on the basis of efficient management of material resources; to ensure the establishment of the optimal mode of ownership and use of the university property; to carry out the acquisition and maintenance of material assets in full compliance with the legislation in force. The main tasks of the Department are: a) development of measures to improve the material and technical base of the University; b) care for modern arrangement of buildings, laboratories, libraries, computer centers, sports fields and halls.
Contact information:
Tel: (032) 2 25 04 84
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., N1, TSU, 1st Building, room N09
The main field of activity of the Department is: introduction of modern information and communication technologies in the activities of the University and promotion of their proper functioning; support of educational, scientific-research activities and administration of the University, which includes any aspect of the listed components, for the realization of which information technologies are the main factor of success (information systems, separate software or hardware, etc.); development of projects and plans of information and communication directions related to the activities of the University, creation, implementation and development of specialized computer programs, ensuring their mutual compatibility; facilitating the introduction/development of distance learning, providing services for created e-courses, creating appropriate infrastructure for users of the Center, software, conducting relevant trainings for the purpose of planning and creating e-courses by academic staff; development of rules and norms for the use of modern information and communication technologies in the University system, as well as ensuring electronic security of the system.
Contact information:
Tel: (032) 2 25 04 84 (1055)
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., N1, TSU, 1st Building, room N05
The Department of Foreign Relations of TSU was established as a separate administrative unit in the late 1960s. It was transformed into a department in 2005. The priority of its activities is the establishment of close contacts between TSU and other universities, research and educational centers of the world, which in most cases is realized through joint projects and exchange programs of students, young scientists and professors. Thus, the Department is a kind of mediator through which the university is connected to the outside world, which is essential for any higher education institution under globalization.
The Department of Foreign Relations is the central service of the University in the field of foreign relations.
Our competence is:
To organize the reception/to host delegations from foreign higher education institutions and research institutions.
To prepare and sign agreements concluded with foreign higher education institutions.
To promote internships and trips of students and professors within the framework of the agreement.
To provide services to foreign students and Georgian students; to give recommendations on studying abroad; to facilitate student mobility; to receive and disseminate information on educational and scientific programs.
To establish close cooperation with foreign organizations in Georgia: embassies, foundations, information centers, etc.
Contact information:
Tel: (032) 2 25 04 84
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., N1, TSU, 1st Building, room N101
The Center for Culture and Sports of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University was established in 2007 by merging the Center for Sports and the Center for Culture. The Center directs and implements university activities in the field of culture and sports at the university.
Creative groups, as well as various sports teams and sections are united in the Center for Culture and Sports.
In December 2010, the Center for Culture and Sports was transformed into the Department of Culture and Sports.
Contact information:
Tel: (032) 2 25 16 59
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., N1, TSU, 1st Building, room N329
The main field of activity of the Department’ is the creation of an effective system of information about the University, the establishment of various types of active relations with the public, including cooperation, as well as the objective presentation of the University and its ongoing events to the public. The tasks of the Department are: to ensure the popularization of the activities of the University in various fields; to ensure the publicity of the educational and scientific processes, planned or implemented events; to ensure the publication and the access to the decisions, orders and other administrative-legal acts of the Academic Council of the University, the Representative Council, the Rector and the Head of the Administration for all interested persons.
The Department of Public Relations publishes once a month the newspaper Tbilisis Universiteti (Tbilisi University). The newspaper highlights the news related to teaching and research, student life at the university.
Contact information:
Tel: (032) 2 25 04 84
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., N1, TSU, 1st Building, room N104
The Chancellery of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University is an auxiliary structural unit of the University. The activities of the Chancellery are guided by the laws of Georgia, the Statute of the University and the Regulations of the Chancellery. Within the limits of its competence, the Chancellery is accountable to the Rector of the University and the Head of the Administration, fulfills the tasks provided by the law, assigned by the Rector and the Head of the Administration on the basis of the law.
Contact information:
Tel: (032) 2 25 04 84
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., N1, TSU, 1st Building, room N113
The present Museum of the University was established in 2008 by the decision of the TSU Representative Council and united the existing museum structures and the cabinets that possessed museum values, among them the cavinet of Vazha-Pshavela in the University with its own rich museum fund, which included paintings and graphic works of famous Georgian artists. Eventually, the Museum was established in the form of history, archaeology, zoology, mineralogy, paleontology and emigration funds.
The main activities of the Museum are: search for museum exhibits, protection, exhibition, optimization and restoration of museum collections. The purpose of the TSU Museum is to involve students and other interested persons in this process.
Contact information:
Tel: (032) 2 25 04 84
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., N1, TSU, 1st Building, room N210; 311; 313; 314; 315; 316
TSU Publishing House was established in 1933. Its purpose is to facilitate the successful implementation of scientific, learning and educational activities of the University. It publishes scientific and fiction literature, dictionaries, textbooks, monographs, scientific collections, magazines, etc.
Contact information:
Tel: + 995 (32) 225 04 84, 6278, 6284, 6283
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., 1.
The Guard and Security Service of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University is a structural unit of the university administration. Its primary responsibilities include the protection of university property in accordance with the university's legislation and legal acts, as well as the maintenance of public order and fire safety.
The Guard and Security Service operates throughout the university's entire territory and is authorized to enforce the university's internal regulations against employees, students, and external parties.
Contact information:
Tel: (+995 32) 2 25 04 84 – 1642
Address: I. Chavchavadze Ave., N1, room N202
On December 19, 1917, at the preliminary meeting of the University’s Council of Professors, where the curriculum of the future university and admission terms were discussed, Ivane Javakhishvili introduced to his colleagues the will of the prominent Georgian publicist Kita Abashidze, according to which Kita Abashidze’s library was donated to the University. This private collection laid the foundation for the Tbilisi State University book repository.
The contributions of various institutions, including the Black Stone Manufacture Board, the former Censor Committee in the Caucasus, the Society of Spreading Literacy among Georgians, Georgian Historic and Ethnographic Society, and the gymnasium for nobles have been instrumental in the development and maintenance of the library holdings. The library received donations from a diverse range of sources, including bookshops and publishing houses, as well as private individuals, like Davit Sarajishvili, Svimon Kldiashvili, Petre Melikishvili, Ekvtime Takaishvili, Aleksandre Tsagareli, Dimitri Bakradze, Tedo Zhordania, Vasil Petriashvili, and others.
Georgian scholars who were engaged in scientific research abroad purchased books for the university at their own expense. The library was initially overseen by Professor Giorgi Akhvlediani. Subsequently, the directors of the University Library were eminent Georgian professors: Akaki Shanidze, Grigol Tsereteli, and Shalva Nutsubidze.
In 1938, University repository was renamed the Fundamental Library, and since 1950, it was known as the Scientific Library. In 1997, the Library was renamed the Grigol Tsereteli Library. It is currently known as the University Library.
Scientific and educational literature, Georgian and foreign rare books and periodicals are preserved in the funds of one of the richest libraries in Georgia.
Contact information:
Tel: (032) 2 25 04 84 internal number (9521;9526)
Address: University Street, N11; TSU Central Library