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TSU scientists are involved in important international scientific projects: ATLAS experiment carried out on the Large Hadron Collider at CERN; experimental research at the COSY accelerator of the Jülich Research Center (Germany); and the COMET experiment planned at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC); KM3NeT experiment launched in the Mediterranean Sea; international accelerator facility FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research), Germany.


  • TSU is implementing over 300 research projects;
  • According to Scopus, over 3,000 publications were published during the last five years;
  • Over 500 articles are published annually in highly ranked scientific journals;
  • Joint publications have been published with over 150 international partners (Scopus);
  • About 3,000 foreign scientists are involved in joint research activities;
  • Up to 100 publications have been published through collaboration with industry (Scopus).


TSU scientists and students enjoy the services provided by modern learning spaces – 16 research institutes; up to 85 learning labs, including FabLab, SMART|Lab, SMART|AtmoSim-Lab, Bloomberg Lab; Physics and Chemistry Labs modernized with the support from San Diego University; high resolution modern nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR – 400 MHz); TSU Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Center; Multimedia Center; archeological excavation site at Grakliani Hill; fine arts studio; etc.