Three projects from Tbilisi State University were selected as winners of the second grant competition of the Competitive Innovation Fund (CIF). The representatives of the winning projects were awarded by the Minister of Education, Science and Youth of Georgia, Giorgi Amilakhvari. TSU Rector Jaba Samushia also attended the event.
Among the 14 winning projects, the TSU Faculty of Medicine project “Development and implementation of a molecular pathology training program in Georgian universities for the purpose of improving higher medical education” received the highest number of points when evaluated according to various criteria. The competition was also won by two projects: the “Internationalization of doctoral education in Georgian higher education institutions” project of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of TSU, and the “TSU ICT Educational-Industrial-Scientific Hub” project of the Department of Computer Science of TSU Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences. The latter is implemented in partnership with San Diego (USA) State University, the University of Evry (France, Paris-Saclay Group) and Westphalia University of Applied Sciences (Germany).
The second grant competition of the Competitive Innovation Fund (CIF) was held within the framework of the World Bank project “Innovation, Inclusion and Quality - Georgia I2Q". Based on the ranking list and the available budget, 14 projects were selected for funding. A total of USD 2.2 million will be distributed among the successful applicants in the second CIF grant competition.
The CIF grant competition facilitates the financing of Georgian universities in collaboration with foreign higher education institutions for the implementation of international dual degree educational programs. The program is of particular significance with regard to the internationalization of education.
The primary objective of the CIF is to facilitate the development of specific areas of focus for higher education institutions, to modernize academic programs and the learning environment, and to enhance connections with the labor market. The CIF competition facilitates the implementation of strategic plans developed by universities, which align with the national goals of higher education and state priorities.