The Rector of Tbilisi State University, Academician Jaba Samushia met with the students of TSU’s Faculty of Economics and Business and heard firsthand about the challenges facing the faculty.
At the meeting, Rector Samushia spoke at length about the current situation at the university and future plans. He said that in the near future, infrastructure projects will be implemented, auditoriums will be equipped with modern computer equipment, several floors of the 10th Building of TSU will be renovated.
“Students of Tbilisi State University should feel the support of the university everywhere. You should know that TSU is your supporter and strong back in the learning process, research, while staying in Georgia or abroad,” said Rector Jaba Samushia at the meeting with students, which was attended by Dean of the Faculty Giorgi Gaganidze, professors and administrative staff.
Jaba Samushia urged the students to be more active. According to him, the textbook project will be announced in the near future. In particular, modern textbooks written or translated by TSU professors will be published. In addition, the textbooks will be fully digitized.
The Rector of TSU also noted that students will have student cards with many services. TSU students will enjoy significant discounts through these services. In addition, foreign language centers will be opened in TSU educational buildings, where students will learn foreign languages using modern, successful methods. In this regard, summer and winter camps will be interesting, where students will improve their language skills together with foreign specialists. All this will help students to use the mobility program of the EU Erasmus+ program and to study in European universities.
At the end of the meeting, Jaba Samushia listened to the students’ opinions on various issues, including the state of catering facilities, auditoriums, technical problems in the Bloomberg Laboratory, etc. The Rector offered the students to participate in the work of the tender commissions for solving the problems of the university, in order to get the appropriate practice and at the same time to make the tender processes more transparent.