The purpose of business communication course is:
To acquaint students with modern principles of business communication
To acquaint students with the principles of written and oral communication to assist them in correct business communication
To share successful practice – to carry out the learning process based on practical tasks
Upon completion of the course, students will be able:
To analyze their own style of communication
To efficiently plan and carry out written and oral communication
To organize and carry out the process of meeting, to prepare a report and submit a project effectively
The target audience involves employed people, who have to carry out business communication; other interested persons
The course will be led by: Teona Kupatadze (professional with over 10 years of work experience in human resource management, particularly in organizational development, staff recruitment, training and assessment systems; over nine-year work experience in academic teaching and professional training).
Duration of the course: 12 hours
I module: Interpersonal and intrapersonal communication (3 hours)
II module: Verbal communication and storytelling (3 hours)
III module: Written communication (3 hours)
IV module: Presentation skills (3 hours)
Language of instruction: Georgian
Start date and duration: the course will start on January 28 and last for four days.
Lessons will be held in evening hours.
Precondition for joining the course: No preconditions
Fee: GEL 300
A bilingual certificate will be awarded upon competition of the course.
Contact information: TSU Center for Lifelong Learning (Ilia Chavchavadze Ave., 1)
Telephone: 2250484 (internal number 14-64)
Bank requisites:
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University 204864548
Name of recipient – uniform treasury account
Recipient bank – State Treasury
Bank code - TRESGE22
Recipient’s account/treasury code 708967253
კურსს გაუძღვება თეონა კუპატაძე, პროფესიონალი, რომელსაც აქვს 10 წელზე მეტი სამუშაო გამოცდილება ადამიანური რესურსების მართვის მიმართულებით, კერძოდ კი ორგანიზაციული განვითარების, თანამშრომლების შერჩევის, ტრენინგებისა და შეფასების სისტემების სპეციალიზაციით.