TSU Institute for European Studies and its Master’s programme in European Studies (MAES) was established with the support of the European Union under TACIS project in 2007. The curriculum as well as the course syllabi of the programme had been developed by international experts in collaboration with TSU academic staff, while considering the best practices of classical EU and European Studies Master’s Programmes in the leading Western European Universities. The Master’s programme in European Studies is conceptually based on four faculties of TSU: Faculty of Law, Faculty of Business and Economics, Faculty of Humanities and Faculty of Social Sciences.
The registration and admissions at IES for the academic year of 2021-2022 will start from 25th of August (please visit www.ies.tsu.edu.ge for the detailed information about the enrollment dates).
Tuition and Financial Aid
Tuition Fee for one academic semester amounts to GEL 1500.
IES in close collaboration with its donors is occasionally offering the scholarships taking into consideration the excellence based on the results of the entrance exams (mainly to citizens of EaP countries).
Students who get the Grants from the Georgian Government may use it to cover their tuition fees at IES/TSU.
The top 2-3 best performing students are eligible for the merit-based financial aids sponsored by the TSU.
Programme Benefits and Outstanding Future Career Prospects
Academic environment: IES offers its students stimulating academic environment, great infrastructure, international networks and contacts, flexible schedule compatible with the full-time employment, western-trained academic staff and research advisors, modern and well-equipped library.
International student exchange programmes: IES students have the opportunity to participate in ERASMUS+ exchange programmes and spend a semester or two at European Universities.
Internships: Within the frames of the signed memorandums between the IES/TSU and various Government/Private Organizations and/or NGOs, the IES provides internship opportunities to its MA students.
Admission preconditions
MA student in European Studies may become a person who holds a Bachelor’s degree and passes the entrance exams successfully. Entrance exams are as follows:
English language written test on B2 level and Interview (interview is mandatory for international applicants only)
Exam in specialization (written component)
Interview with IES jury
*International applicants are allowed to the programme only if they meet requirements of Georgian Legislation.
Contact information
Email: helpdesk.ies@tsu.ge
mob.: +995 595 770110
website: www.ies.tsu.edu.ge
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IES-Institute-for-European-Studies-of-Tbilisi-State-University-132972730138155