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Public Lecture of Famous Psychologist Piero Ferrucci at TSU

The Rector of Tbilisi State University, Academician Jaba Samushia met with Piero Ferrucci, an esteemed Italian psychologist and representative of the Florence and Italian Institute of Psychosynthesis, as well as the European Federation for Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy. During the meeting, Jaba Samushia discussed the history and modernity of psychology education at TSU, emphasizing the value of sharing international experience and methods.


Following the meeting, Piero Ferrucci delivered a public lecture entitled “Psychosynthesis, Psychotherapeutic Method, the Way to Self-Realization” to students of TSU. The lecture was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Mzia Tsereteli, as well as professors and students. Subsequently, Ferrucci responded to the queries posed by the students.


Piero Ferrucci, a psychologist and psychotherapist, was a former student and colleague of Roberto Assagioli, the founder of psychosynthesis. He is the developer of psychosynthesis as a psychotherapeutic process and the author of numerous books on the subject, including “What We May Be,” “Inevitable Grace,” “Beauty and the Soul,” and “Your Inner Will.”