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Multidisciplinary Center as Part of EU Project

The Rector of Tbilisi State University, Academician Jaba Samushia participated in the presentation of the winning project within the framework of the EU Erasmus + program. Tbilisi State University has obtained the status of the European Union Jean Monnet Center of Excellence: Democracy Resilience in Georgia for the first time. The project entails the establishment of a multidisciplinary center, with a focus on the development of teaching and research activities, as well as on facilitating discussions with target groups.

“The objective of this project is to establish a designated space within the university where discourse pertaining to Europe, European integration, and European institutions can take place. This initiative is poised to transform the university into a novel forum for discourse. The project entails the preparation of research papers that aim to foster a more profound comprehension of the contemporary policy of the European Union and the relevant Georgian context. I hope that this project will contribute to the advancement of Georgia’s European integration process,” said TSU Rector Jaba Samushia.

Tamar Zarandia, Dean of the Faculty of Law at Tbilisi State University, noted that this award highlights the university’s multiyear efforts and hard work. “We are proud that a multidisciplinary center is being established at Tbilisi State University, which will be aimed at strengthening democratic sustainability in Georgia. This center will be a platform that will not only attract academics, but also the broader community and will promote knowledge sharing,” Tamar Zarandia said.

Professor Irine Kurdadze, the project coordinator, spoke about the goals of the project and the activities planned as part of the project. “Eight academic staff members from various faculties of our university are involved in the Jean Monnet Center project and possess extensive experience in both academic and practical activities. I am sure that such a synergy of knowledge will enrich the goals of our center,” noted Irine Kurdadze.

The Center’s research agenda is oriented towards the development of areas such as human rights sustainability, information sustainability, and social and environmental security, in accordance with the provisions of the Association Agreement.

The presentation of the project was attended by Khatuna Totladze, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Georgia; Maia Bitadze, Chairperson of the Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Committee of the Parliament of Georgia; professors of the TSU Faculty of Law, students, and invited guests.