About 300 scientists from 200 universities of the world are participating in the Computational Logic Autumn Summit (CLAS 2022) ongoing at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU) on September 19-30. The event has been organized by Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics at TSU and Kurt Godel Society, and it involves six conferences, three seasonal schools and one workshop.
Rector of TSU, George Sharvashidze said that the university hosts the largest gathering of specialists studying mathematical logic. “This is a very important event, both for our scientists and researchers, as well as for scientists from all over the world who work on future technologies. It is certainly a fantastic opportunity for young researchers to see how the field will develop in the near future.”
The conferences and schools included in the summit are the leading traditional events of various directions of computer logic, theoretical computer sciences and computer mathematics, which are being held for many years in various universities of the world, including the 15th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics (CICM); the 24th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming (PPDP); the 32nd International Symposium on Logic-based Program Synthesis and Transformation LOPSTR); the 14th International Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction (MPC); the 19th International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing (ICTAC); the 22nd International Conference on Runtime Verification (RV); the 13th International School on Rewriting (ISR); Summer School of the International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing; the 16th International Tbilisi School in Logic and Language; EuroProofNet Workshop on the Development, Maintenance, Refactoring and Search of Large Libraries of Proofs.
Prof. Nachum Dershowitz at Tel Aviv University hailed the event as an excellent opportunity for the people from all over the world to gather and discuss the issues, such as logic, language and the related topics. He also added that the meeting is an opportunity to share knowledge, ideas and to learn from each other.
About 300 scientists from more than 200 universities in 35 countries are involved in the Computational Logic Autumn Summit as speakers and members of program committees. Lecturers from European and American universities are invited to the seasonal schools, and the participants are both foreign and Georgian students. Scientific, academic and administrative staff of Tbilisi State University are involved in organizing the summit together with foreign scientists.
“The Computational Logic Autumn Summit involves six conferences and three seasonal schools. These conferences are being held in various countries of the world for more than 30 years. The fact that the conference was held at TSU this year confirms that the committee members trust Georgian scientists and agreed to hold the conference at TSU. It is worth noting that next year, one of the conferences will be held at Cambridge University as part of the summit,” Besik Dundua, a research fellow at Ilia Vekua Institute of Applied Mathematics, said.
Conferences and schools included in the summit have a long tradition, but their collocation under a single umbrella, as offered by CLAS, is happening for the first time. This will allow participating scientists to meet for a short period of time, present their results and share ideas with many colleagues working in different subfields of computer science, logic, and mathematics. The summit is also important for Georgian scientists, who will be able to familiarize themselves with advanced research in computer logic and establish business relations with leading specialists. The role of the summit is especially important for young scientists and students who, besides conferences, can deepen their knowledge and competence by participating in seasonal schools and establish personal ties with well-known experts. The fact that the managing committees of highly reliable conferences and schools agreed to hold them in Georgia points at the trust and authority that Georgian scientists involved in the organizing committee of the summit enjoy among their foreign colleagues.
Summit sponsors include companies such as Amazon Web Services, AnyDesk, Runtime Verification Inc and Springer. Within the framework of the summit, Springer will organize an exhibition and sale of its books, and their representative plans to meet with Georgian scientists to discuss modern directions of international scientific publications.