About TSU
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (TSU), founded in 1918, is one of the first higher educational and research institutions of Georgia and a leading university in the South Caucasus (Times Higher Education 2019).
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University was also ranked among the top 2% of the best universities worldwide (U.S. News & World Report 2019) in 2019.
The key values of TSU include critical, creative and progressive thinking, the principles of academic freedom and ethics, as well as open, dynamic and transparent relations. By 2024, TSU plans to attain the status of a higher educational and research center with European values and international significance, to ensure:
Harmonization of education programs with public and labor market requirements, incorporating the constant development of information and communication technologies;
Increased basic and applied research programs;
Internationalization of educational, research and administrative processes.
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University is an authorized higher educational institution according to the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region (Lisbon Recognition Convention – 1997). Diplomas issued by the University are recognized worldwide.
Forty-nine countries are involved in the Bologna Process today. Georgia joined this process in May 2005 during a summit in the Norwegian city of Bergen. Prior to signing the Bologna Declaration, TSU had signed the Magna Charta Universitatum (1988), the Lisbon Convention (1997) and the Sorbonne Declaration (1998).
Since 2005, Tbilisi State University has been involved in many EU-funded programs, including Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus+, Tempus, FP7 Marie Curie, Horizon 2020, ERC, and institutional development programs.
Every year, TSU implements approximately 200 local and international scientific grant projects.
TSU has signed the Memorandums of Cooperation with about 200 foreign universities from up to 50 countries; in addition, it cooperates with about 100 European universities through exchange programs within the framework of Erasmus+ and bilateral cooperation.
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University is the first higher educational institution in the South Caucasus region by number of students and staff who will study at European universities and raise their qualifications, financed by the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) programs. Over the past three years, several hundred TSU BA, MA and PhD students participated in exchange programs. During the same period, TSU hosted over 500 foreign students from partner universities. Academic and administrative mobility is also provided within the framework of these programs.
Today about 22,000 students, including more than 660 foreign nationals, study in TSU’s seven Faculties. TSU’s Faculties include:
Exact and Natural Sciences
Social and Political Sciences
Economics and Business
Psychology and Educational Sciences
Between 2017 and 2019, approximately 240 educational programs were implemented, including the BA Degree Program – 67; the One-step Educational Program – 3; the MA Degree Program – 96; the PhD Degree Program – 50; the Integrated Teaching Program for Teachers – 1; the Teaching Program for Teachers – 1; Georgian Language Preparation Program – 3; Vocational Program – 12; Foreign-language Educational Program – 21, Including BA Degree Program – 9; one-step program – 1; MA degree program – 8; PhD degree program – 3; Internationally accredited programs – 5: The TSU – San Diego State University BA degree programs included Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Chemistry/Biochemistry, Computer Engineering, and the Law Faculty’s MA Degree Program in Public Administration.
TSU has had over 300,000 graduates to date.
Eight million books and approximately 22 million inventions/patents are stored in the TSU libraries, where readers have access to modern reading rooms and regularly updated library collections, including electronic versions (www.ebooks.tsu.ge).
The University offers modern learning surroundings, where students and professors have open access to international electronic databases and resources. These and other resources allow users to remain abreast of current scientific innovations, offering them equal opportunities with leading universities all over the world.
At TSU there are sixteen research institutes, and up to 85 learning labs, including the FabLab, SMART|Lab, SMART|AtmoSim-Lab, and Bloomberg Lab; Physics and Chemistry Labs that have been modernized with support from San Diego State University; a Multimedia Center; an archeological excavation site at Grakliani Hill; and a fine arts studio.
TSU students have opportunities to enjoy and take an active part in cultural and sports programs. A modern student dormitory has been built in the vicinity of Lisi Lake, which unites three four-storey residential buildings, an administrative building and a sports terrain.