პროგრამის სახელწოდება:
პროფესიული განათლება
პროგრამის ავტორები:
ასოც. პროფესორი ირმა გრძელიძე
პროფესორი ფრენკ ბუენინგი
მისანიჭებელი კვალიფიკაცია:
განათლების მეცნიერებების დოქტორი
სწავლების ენა:
ინგლისური ენა

The PhD program in Vocational Education aims at preparing the researcher to address the needs and challenges of modern VET on national and international levels by producing scientific solutions to contribute to the development of VET sector. The goal of the program is conceptually based on the mission and vision of the University implementing the program which covers lifelong learning, societal engagement, new knowledge creation and transfer. The goal of the doctoral program is to prepare a specialist in the field of education, a researcher who will:
- Research challenges and analyse relevant needs of VET sector based on the scholarly knowledge of the field of education sciences;
- Independently solve complex problems in the area of VET based on the scholarly knowledge of education sciences;
- Create innovative scholarly product based on the analysis and synthesis of the latest scientific achievements in the fields of education sciences, and promote cultural and social and economic development of the country;
- Engage in academic and scholarly activity on the international level in the field of VET and education sciences;
- Effectively manage the learning process in VET providers on the fundamental knowledge of the regularities of the teaching-learning process;
- Manage the teaching process efficiently in vocational and higher education based on the fundamental knowledge of the regularities of the teaching-learning process.

Master's degree in any field;
3 years of work experience in the field of VET - for those who do not have a master's degree in education;
Examination in the field of study; English at C1 level: international recognized certificate (TOEFL iBT 110; IELTS 7,0) or the university examination
Consent of the Supervisor.
Research proposal /A vision for the development of the research topic in writing;
Interview around the research topic

Knowledge and understanding
Upon the completion of the program, the PhD graduate will have:
1. Complex professional knowledge built on the latest scientific achievements in the field of education sciences; including research methodology developments in the sector
2. Knowledge of the theories of pedagogical sciences and the VET;
3. Didactics of general and relevant specific fields - learning principles, methods, technologies, forms of assessment - knowledge based on the best international practices in the area of education and VET;
4. Ability to analyse and evaluate the main trends in the country's VET policy - historical perspective and modernity.
Upon the completion of the program, the PhD student will be able to:
5. Critically analyse, synthesize and evaluate recent scientific findings or approaches in the field of education sciences;
6. Analyse complex problems in the area of VET and conduct research independently to solve them, while also maintaining academic ethics and integrity;
7. Create new knowledge in relation to the scientific knowledge accumulated in the field of education sciences, and communicate such knowledge to professional and broad public;
8. Use modern approaches to teaching, methods / techniques and technologies in the process of pedagogical activities, self-reflection and modification of student-centred teaching approaches;
9. Ability to participate in the professional analysis and planning of the country's education and VET policy;
Autonomy and responsibility
Upon the completion of the program, the PhD student will have:
10. Ability to initiate research projects in the area of education and VET and lead them independently;
11. Ability to solve complex problems in the area of education and VET using creative approaches.

After completing the doctoral program, the PhD graduate is able to be employed in any type / research or educational / governmental or non-governmental institution in the field of education, to lead the educational-scientific process in national and international VET sector.