Program name:
Studies in Positive Psychology
Program supervisors:
Associate Professor Khatuna Martskvishvili
Associate Professor Maia Mestvirishvili
Associate Professor Lili Khechuashvili
Qualification awarded:
Doctor of Psychology
Language of instruction:

Founded in 1999, Positive Psychology completely alters the view of personality, its functioning and approaches to psychological counseling/therapy, and shifts the focus from pathology towards personality growth, mental health, and adaptive functioning. Studies in positive psychology aims at revealing all those personal, social, cultural factors that determine and/or influence individuals’ psychological and emotional well-being. The program obtained its special niche due to the following factors: There are a few postgraduate programs in psychology on Georgian market, and the underrepresentation of the newest developments, namely, positive psychology paradigm in existing programs.
The primary goal of the PhD program is to generate new scientific knowledge in positive psychology. It is based on scientist-practitioner model. It means that the aim of the program is the preparation of researchers, who are able to lead research, academic and practical work in Academia and/or in other fields (e.g. educational and healthcare systems).
The objectives of the program involve teaching (learning & teaching) and research components:
Learning — obtaining, understanding and critically evaluating the new knowledge in psychology this is based on recent empirical research achievements.
Teaching — developing teaching skills necessary to teach at all three levels of university education.
Research — generating new empirical knowledge, conducting scientific-research work, planning, designing and implementing research projects.

The program accepts applicants holding Master’s Degree in Psychology (or equivalent).
The eligibility criteria for enrollment on the program are as follows:
- Diploma certifying Master’s Degree in Psychology (or equivalent)
- The proof for the B2 level English language proficiency
- Consent of an supposed scientific supervisor and program supervisors
- Two-stage interview consisting of research project proposal (60 %) and face-to-face interview (40 %)
a) An applicant has to submit research project proposal for evaluation alongside the following criteria (15 points each):
- Relevance and novelty of the research question, problem formulation
- Research aim, goal and objectives
- Research methodology
- Scientific value
b) Face-to-face interview with an applicant. The following that will assessed (20 points each):
- Applicant’s motivation
- Demonstration of relevant knowledge in the field

Postgraduate program studies in Positive Psychology aims to create and apply the scientific knowledge in the field of positive psychology. Hence, the goal of the program is to prepare professionals who have occupational competence to complete research, educational and practical activities in the areas, such as research, educational and healthcare private and public organizations and agencies. The program graduates will know and be able to plan and conduct fundamental and applied research independently with usage of advanced qualitative and quantitative research methods, and to imply the new theoretical knowledge in practice; To participate in, to plan and to lead the research-based education on all levels of higher education. Moreover, the program graduate will know the place and role of the positive psychology paradigm and models in psychological consultation and research, and positive psychological approach to the contextual view of the psychological disorders. Besides, the graduate will be aware of current research topics within the positive psychology paradigm. Hence, after graduation the person holding PhD degree will be able to gain updated knowledge and critically evaluate the issues, to lead research activities, and to plan, implement and report research in the field.

The PhD program “Positive Psychology – Empirical Research” trains highly competitive skilled researchers who will be able to implement the full cycle of the research (planning, fieldwork, data processing and analyzing, interpretation and reporting, and dissemination), educational and practical activities in academic and other fields. Graduates will also have an opportunity to get employed at government, research and/or non-governmental organizations that implement any projects related to an individual’s mental health and emotional wellbeing.