TalTech Journal of European Studies (TJES) is announcing call for papers for a special issue related to the legal, political, and economic aspects of EU - Georgia relations, and invites scholars to submit relevant research articles for review.
TJES is a semi-annual international peer-reviewed research journal with an international editorial office and an extensive international editorial board. The journal is indexed in SCOPUS (Q2 - Law, Q2 - Sociology and Political Science, Q1 - History), Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index), and other relevant databases. Since 2020, the scope of the journal is related to digitalisation and technology implementation and their impact on the social, legal, political, economic, and cultural domains in the European Union and its Member States.
Interested authors are kindly asked to submit their manuscripts to archil.chochia@taltech.ee by September 30, 2023. Prospective authors should refer to the style guide of TJES in developing their manuscripts. All submissions will go through international peer-review, and the special issue of the journal is envisioned to be published by the end of 2023.