August 12, 2021 serves as the 900th anniversary of the decisive event in history of Georgia, known as the battle of Didgori. The battle became a guarantee for strong Georgian political unity, a pattern of Georgian and Western European military cooperation as well as splendid example of the Georgian military tradition.
In commemoration of this great event, Institute of Georgian History (Faculty of Humanities, TSU) organizes international scientific conference, “The Battle of Didgori – 900”.
Topics for the international scientific conference are as follows:
- Epoch of David Agmashenebeli
- Georgian historical thought in the 11th-12th cc.
- Foreign sources on the epoch of David Agmashenebeli
- Social and economic reality in Georgia in the 11th-12th cc.
- Money in the epoch of David Agmashenebeli
- Cultural and political atmosphere in Georgia in the 11th-12th cc.
- Central governance and provincial administration in Georgia in the 11th-12th cc.
- The Georgian Church in the epoch of David Agmashenebeli
- Warfare in Georgia in the 11th-12th cc.
- The Georgian and Western European relations in the 11th-12th cc.
Conference will be held on August 12, 2021 using Zoom platform.
Conference languages – Georgian and English
Zoom address will be available together with the program.
Proposals to join the conference should be directed to TSU Institute of Georgian History. The following information is required from those willing to participate in the conference:
Name, family name
Full entry of affiliated institution
Academic degree
Academic/Research position
The title of conference paper in Georgian and English
Please, send us information about your participation request on our email address provided below and indicate “The Battle of Didgori – 900” on the subject line of your email.
Email address –
Proposal submission deadline – July 1, 2021
By July 10, 2021 TSU Institute of Georgian History will be in touch with the confirmed participants.