The Department of Education Sciences of Tbilisi State University has a long history. In 1919, the "Pedagogical Institute" was established within the university, under the leadership of Dimitri Uznadze. The primary objective of the Institute was to advance the field of pedagogy and to provide teacher training. In 1922, a dedicated pedagogical faculty was established at the university, with Professor Korneli Kekelidze serving as its dean. In 1933, the Soviet government restructured the Institute of Pedagogy into the University Chair of Pedagogy. This chair, in terms of teacher training, catered to all departments within the university.
In 2007, based on current reforms, on the basis of the Department of Pedagogy, the educational-scientific institute of pedagogy was re-established at the university, which initially functioned at the Faculty of Humanities. Beginning in 2014, the direction of education at the university was merged with the direction of psychology. As a result, a new faculty was established, which led to the creation of the Department of Education Sciences. The educational-scientific institute of pedagogy was incorporated into this department as a unit.
The mission of the Department of Education is based on the mission and values of TSU. The department contributes to the development of the educational system of Georgia and promotion of the field of education sciences.
In 2022, the educational-scientific Institutes of Teacher Education and Interdisciplinary Research were separated from the educational-scientific Institute of Pedagogy. This led to the establishment of three educational-scientific Institutes that currently operate within the Department of Education Sciences.
Educational-Scientific Institute of Pedagogy |
Educational-Scientific Institute of Teacher Education |
Interdisciplinary Educational-Scientific Enstitute |
Pedagogical Theory and Practice |
Methods of Teaching the Subject |
Interdisciplinary research in Education |
History of Education |
Applied Didactics and Counseling |
Digital Technologies in Education |
Educational-Scientific Institute of Pedagogy |
Educational-Scientific Institute of Teacher Education |
Interdisciplinary Educational-Scientific Institute |
Nino Chakhunashvili | David Tsamalashvili |
Activities of the Department of Education Sciences is performed in the directions of Research, Education and Public Services.
I Research Areas
The main directions of research of the Educational-Scientific Institute of Pedagogy are:
- Pedagogical Theory and Practice at all levels of education;
- Research in the topics of the history of education at all levels of teaching in the contemporary educational context;
- Research in education policy issues;
- Research in education philosophy issues;
- Research in quality management issues in education;
- Research in education management issues;
- Research in comparative education issues;
- Research in social pedagogy issues.
The main research topics of Educational-Scientific Institute of Teacher Education are:
- Teacher Education topics at all levels of teaching;
- Teaching methods for specific subjects at all levels of teaching;
- Research in mechanisms and resources that support the continuous professional development of teachers at all levels of teaching;
- Applied didactics and counselling issues.
The main directions of research of the Interdisciplinary Educational-Scientific Institute are:
- Research in interdisciplinary directions and the needs of professional cadres in the field of education;
- Research in interdisciplinary topics in the field of education;
- Conducting interdisciplinary research in the field of education;
- Research in the practices of interdisciplinary educational programs;
- Research in the topics of integrating digital technologies in the education process.
Common Research Areas of the Department of Education Sciences
- Pedagogical theory;
- Education policy;
- Philosophy of education;
- History of education at preschool, primary school, secondary school, vocational education, and adult education;
- Issues related to preparing specialists in education sciences;
- Current processes and trends in the field of education sciences;
- Issues related to teacher education and professional development at all levels of education, including preschool, general education, vocational, higher education, and adult education;
- Didactics of early childhood education, primary and secondary schools, vocational and higher education, adult education;
- The educational function of schools, including teaching and understanding the values;
- Issues related to education and educational process at all levels;
- Issues of education of socially vulnerable groups;
- Inclusive education issues;
- Interdisciplinary, integrated activities;
- Issues of pedagogical and professional practice;
- School development issues (extra-curricular teaching at school, defining the school profile and specification);
- Interdisciplinary research of education sciences and other fields;
- Research in the practices of interdisciplinary educational programs;
- Issues of the management of the education quality;
- Issues of education management;
- Issues of integrating digital technologies in the educational process.
II Education
Current educational programs offered by the Department of Education Sciences.
60-credit teacher preparation programs:
- BA educational program - "Pedagogy" (Minor), 60 ECTS;
- Post-Baccalaureate - teacher preparation educational program "Teacher" (one year) - 60 ECTS;
Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate Educational Programs:
- Integrated BA-MA educational program - 'Integrated BA and MA educational program for primary level teacher preparation - 300 ECTS;
- Integrated program of Multilingual Education primary level teacher preparation - 300 credits.
MA Educational Programs:
- MA Educational Program "Educational Sciences";
- English language MA educational program "Professional Education and Human Resources Development" English-language master's educational program/Vocational Education/Training and Human Resources Development.
PhD Educational Programs:
- Joint PhD Program in “Education Sciences “(Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Akaki Tsereteli State University, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, and Jacob Gogebashvili Telavi State University);
- English-language doctoral educational program “Vocational Education".
III. Public Services
- Participation in the creation of education policy:
- Involvement in the development of teacher preparation models in accordance with state requirements;
- Involvement in the development of documents on teacher education and education sciences based on field-specific characteristics;
- Involvement in the development of professional standards for school/kindergarten teacher;
- Involvement in the development of professional standards for school directors;
- Involvement in the development of professional standards and field-specific characteristics for teachers;
- Involvement in the development of professional development and career growth schemes for teachers;
- Participation in the creation of different generations of the national curriculum.
- Cooperation with public and private schools throughout Tbilisi and regions within the framework of memorandums, organization of scientific conferences of teachers, students and pupils;
- Organizing a scientific-practical conference for teachers titled "University to School - School to University";
- Supporting technological processes in teaching and learning;
- Supporting student services;
- Ssupporting communities, including consulting services;
- Organization of professional development trainings for professors and teachers at higher educational institutions;
- Organization of educational and cognitive events for children's day care centers.
Сurrent Projects of the Department of Education Sciences
- DITECH: "Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning at Georgian HEIs"/Developing and Implementing Technology-Enhanced Teaching and Learning at Georgian HEIs (DITECH) 4) (618766-EPP-1-2020-1-EE- EPPKA2- CBHE-JP);
- CREATE (Collaborative Research in Education of Academics from Tbilisi State University and Edge Hill University) Research Group, 2021;
- Professional Education – Challenges and Perspectives, 2022;
- Responsibility in conducting of research - Research Integrity and Ethics in Georgian Universities (ETHICS), # SEP-210826364, 2023.
Projects implemented by the Department of Education Sciences
- In the European Council project - VC 2767 Democracy begins in Georgian schools - Co-authoring a practical guide for schools - Democratic school governance - Student participation in decision-making processes at school and community levels - 2022-2023;
- ASSET: Assessment Tools for New Learning Environments in Higher Education Institutions (N 585587-EPP-1-2017-1-IL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) -(2017-2020);
- CURE: Curriculum Reform for Promoting Democratic Principles and Civic Education in Israel and in Georgia (573322-EPP-1-2016-1-IL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) - (2016-2019);
- TSU - Development of pedagogical modules (pedagogical disciplines, pedagogic practice, research part) of the integrated 300-credit university program of Teacher Preparation, VII-XII grade teachers, 2016;
- DOIT: Development of an International Model for Curricular Reform in Multicultural Education and Cultural Diversity Training. TEMPUS, European Commission, Education, Audiovisual & Cultural Executive Agency (EACEA), (530175-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-IL-TEMPUS-JPCR) - (15.10./2012 – 15.08.2015);
- TSU - Research of the existing situation/practice in terms of evaluation of the learning process in the professional work of a teacher in a general education school, 2015.