On June 22-24 XI international scientific conference "Space, Society, Politics" will be held, dedicated to the Professor Revaz Gacheichiladze 80th Anniversary, organized by the faculty of Social and Political Sciences of the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
The conference invites Georgian and international professors, researchers and PhD students from the following fields of Political Sciences, International Relations, Sociology, Social Work, Journalism and Mass Communication, Anthropology, Regional studies, Gender Studies, Nationalism and Ethnicity and other social sciences. The conference aims to present and discuss the adopted innovative scientific and methodological achievements.
Georgian and English are the working languages of the conference.
Keynote speakers:
Revaz Gacheichiladze – Professor, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University.
“The South Caucasus and its Place in the World.”
Ashot Aleksanyan – Professor, Head of the Chair of Political Science, Yerevan State University, Armenia; Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany.
“Security Challenges for Armenia's European Integration in the Context of Resilience”
Conference abstracts will be reviewed and published online and will be indexed by Google Scholar. Participants are also invited to submit their full paper for publication after the conference in the international journal “Environment and Society” indexed by Google Scholar.
There will be a cultural event on the last day of the conference (excursion).
Please, fill in the registration form and send it to the E-Mail address socpol.science@tsu.ge with the subject “XI International Scientific Conference”.
Registration form
Announcement of the conference: February 27, 2023
Deadline for Abstract Submission: April 27, 2023
Selection of Abstracts by: May 10, 2023
Conference Date: June 22-24, 2023
Deadline for Paper Submission (optional): September 18, 2023
The conference fee
Participation in the XI International Scientific Conference – “Space, Society Politics” is free of charge.