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Date 2021-11-19
Beginning 11:00 HR
Address platform ZOOM

The Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and Institute for Georgia’s Neighbourhood Studies at Ivane

Javakishvili Tbilisi State University organize an international scientific conference “Politics around the

Caucasus” on November 19, 2021.

The purpose of the conference is to discuss the most pressing issues of domestic and foreign policy, history, economics, religion, culture and art, language and literature of the South Caucasus countries and neighboring political actors.

The conference is open to researchers, professors and doctoral students who are interested in studying the countries of the South Caucasus (Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia), as well as Russia, Iran and Turkey.

Scientific Conference will be held remotely, using the platform ZOOM.

Conference working language is English.

Participation in the conference is free of charge.

• Abstract submission deadline: 1 October 2021;

• Notification for acceptance of abstracts: 15 October 2021 (authors of accepted abstracts will be


• Paper submission deadline: 5 November, 2021;

To participate in the conference, please fill out the attached registration form and send it to the e-mail: with the subject: "Politics around the Caucasus 2021“.

Registration Form


Paper abstract – 300-350 words,

The paper – 3000-5000 words.

Style – APA

Page size – A4

Font – Calibri

Space – 1.5

Margins  (upper, lower, left and right) – 2 cm.

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