Internship Opportunity At TBSC Consulting
TBSC Consulting seeks a Team of two students for a research project concerning business,
economics and demographics. The research subject is timely and TBSC will use the Final
Report, prepared by the Team, in ongoing consulting projects.
This is a paid internship requiring approximately 10 hours per week for ten weeks (about 100
hours per student).
It is well known that many Georgians choose to leave Georgia for employment elsewhere;
this is economic or career emigration. Some refer to this phenomenon as a Brain Drain,
though in truth it concerns individuals from all sectors of society, from un-skilled to highly
skilled individuals.1
The research project done by the Team will comprise five elements:
n Understand international best practices for analyzing and forecasting the economic
impacts of economic emigration (i.e., how should we quantify and think about it?)
n Analyze recent economic emigration from Georgia and forecast economic emigration
over the next 10 to 15 years; this should be by demographic group (e.g., unskilled vs
professional labor, rural vs urban) and assess the effect, if any, of Governmental policies
in this area
n Examine recent economic inbound (immigration) trends in Georgia and evaluate whether
the inflow of labor might counterbalance the long-term issues caused by labor emigration
n Assess the causes and impacts economic emigration will have on the economy and
businesses in the next 10 to 15 years (e.g., smaller GDP, fewer consumers, smaller labor
n Recommend steps businesses should undertake now to prepare for future economic
emigration (i.e., focus on responding to economic emigration rather than trying to prevent
The Team will reach conclusions through desk research, quantitative analysis, key informant
interviews and their (and our) expert judgment. No primary research (other than key
informant interviews) is expected.
We will meet with the Team (in-person or online) at the start, middle and end of the research
project, plus intermediate ad hoc meetings as required. The purposes of the three standard
meetings are: 1) reach an agreement on what the Team will do, what to research methods to
1 A Brain Drain is the emigration of highly skilled and educated individuals to seek better economic
opportunities, improved living conditions, and political stability abroad.
use, who to talk to and how to plan work; 2) review progress to date, adjust the work plan,
reach agreement on the contents of the Final Report and 3) review the Final Report and reach
agreement on any final adjustments.
The end-product of the research project will be a focused ten-to-fifteen-page Final Report.
The Team will be the authors of the Final Report. Work can be done in Georgian, but the
Final Report must be in English.
We expect the Team to work largely independently, though the Team is encouraged to ask for
ad hoc meetings (for guidance) whenever desired. The Team will always have access to a
mentor at TBSC Consulting. We will set high, but achievable standards for the quality of the
work and the Final Report. Teams should expect the internship to be intellectually
The Team will receive (together) 1 000 GEL (net), by bank transfer, after delivery and
approval of the Final Report.
Team Profile
The general requirements are:
n No work experience is expected
n Two third or fourth-year students in a business, economics or demographics faculty
n Full-time students, not otherwise employed
n Good communicators with good English skills (B.2)
n Highly self-motivated, analytical thinkers and curious.
Application Procedures
Two students should apply together as a Team by October 25. Send your cv’s and a required
but simple motivational letter (up to 400 words), in English, to The
motivational letter should briefly answer three questions.
n What do you find interesting about this particular internship?
n Why do you feel you are well qualified for this, compared with others who also have
limited or no experience?
n What about TBSC is particularly interesting to you?
We will invite several candidate Teams to one or two online interviews. We will make a final
decision by the start of November so work can begin in early November.
Feel free to contact us with questions at 551 92-00-65 – Ana Surmanidze (TBSC Business
About TBSC
TBSC Consulting is a boutique management consulting firm based in Tbilisi, Georgia. TBSC
helps organizations make better strategic and tactical decisions by performing detailed
analyses needed to support those decisions.
Over the past twenty years, TBSC has helped more than 100 organizations make better
decisions, including the largest Georgian banks, highly diversified Georgian companies,
foreign investors, international financial institutions, the Government of Georgia, diplomatic
missions, donors (i.e., USAID, World Bank, EBRD) and NGOs.
TBSC Consulting has a well-deserved reputation of giving students an excellent start to their
professional careers by giving them an outstanding first-job experience. We offer interesting,
high energy and engaging work.
Details about TBSC Consulting are on our website (