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საკონკურსო დოკუმენტაციის მიღების პერიოდი: 30/10/2020 - 15/11/2020

Company Overview
The Caucasus Network for Sustainable Development of Mountain Regions (Sustainable Caucasus)
was founded in 2014 to enhance sustainable development in the Caucasus region by supporting
regional cooperation, bringing together key stakeholders, and implementing innovative solutions on
the ground.
The mission of Sustainable Caucasus is to facilitate cooperation and coordination pursuant to the
sustainable development of the Caucasus mountain region.
Its objectives are:
● to foster sustainable development in the Caucasus mountain region; and
● to elaborate regional approaches to transboundary problems at national and local levels.

Available Positions
The following three internship positions are available:
1. Executive Assistant Intern
2. Communications and PR Management Intern
3. Administration and Finance Intern

Three to six months, with a one-month probation period. The duration of each particular internship will
be personally negotiated and agreed upon with each intern.

The three positions are located in Tbilisi; however, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and
corresponding restrictions, remote work is also an option.

Working Hours
Part-time: 20-30 hours per week

Interns are not financially remunerated, however, based on an evaluation of the work they complete,
Sustainable Caucasus might provide a financial reward in certain cases.

Start Date
Anticipated start date – 25 November 2020

How to Apply
Please submit your CV and cover letter in the English language by no later than 15 November 2020,
to the following address: Your cover letter should highlight your
educational credentials and any other relevant skills/experience, along with an explanation of why you
are interested in the internship program and how it will contribute to achieving your career goals.
Please also indicate the title of the specific internship position you are applying for by putting the
program name in the email subject line.
You can learn more about our organisation here -